“I’m not as stupid as I was back then. I like to think I’ve learned from my mistakes.”

“And yet here you are. Taking me out for a second time this week,” she said, not bothering to mask her sarcasm. “What would my brothers think?”

“I’m planning to leave them out of it this time.” At least until he’d won her, which sure as hell better happen by Monday.

“And if that’s not possible?” she challenged.

“Like you said, you’re not eighteen anymore. I would expect them to respect your decisions.”

She let out a mirthless laugh and headed for the exit ramp. The sign overheard indicated they were approaching one of the nearby college towns.

“Am I allowed to know where we’re going yet?” he asked.

“Big Buck’s Country Bar. According to the reviews I read online, they have a mechanical bull.”

His gaze fixed on the bare skin of her thighs. “And you’re planning to ride it wearing that?”


Thank God. He’d have ended up in a bar fight if she’d mounted the machine in that dress.

“We’re just checking the place out. I want to find out if they have dancing. See if it gets too crowded. And if I can, talk to a manager, ask if they allow dogs.”

Dancing and dogs? Liam furrowed his brow, unable to piece this puzzle together. “You lost me.”

“It’s for Georgia. The guest list for her party includes a friend with a service dog. I get the sense he’s not a purse dog we could keep hidden. And Georgia wants to go dancing.”

Katie turned into a parking lot lined with cars and a few motorcycles. The neon sign in the corner read: “Big Buck’s, Live Music Tonight!” She pulled into a vacant space. “This doesn’t look promising. I don’t want your sister to run away and hide at her own party, not when we’re supposed to be celebrating her last hurrah as a single woman.”


reached for her arm, stopping her from exiting the wagon. “Hold up a minute. We’re here ‘researching’ my little sister’s bachelorette party?”

She nodded. The smile on her face—it was almost devilish.

“Not a chance, Katie.”

Her eyes sparkled with a naughty glint. “I can go in by myself.”

His mind filled with the image of Katie’s long legs wrapped around a mechanical bull. Every man in there would be staring at her. And when she got off and hit the dance floor? They’d be lining up for a chance to get close to her.

“Hell no.” He let go of her arm and reached for the car door. “I’m coming with you.”

KATIE SLAMMED HER door and turned around. Closing her eyes, she drew a deep breath, needing a moment before she played the part of the determined seductress again. She’d been having fun with her role. But then Liam had mentioned the L-word—the one that had no place in her plan.

That one word had thrown her off course. She’d started asking the wrong questions. Instead of wondering if he was ready to fall in love, she should be pressing to find out why he was demanding a place in her life now, after all this time.

She knew from experience that Liam always took charge, claiming what he wanted. That was part of who he was. He issued commands. But while his words haunted her fantasies, she knew they’d wreak havoc on her dreams for the future.

Still, when he spoke of respecting her choices, her heart had surged as if it wanted to send hope rushing through her veins. It was as if the stupid organ wanted to hear him out, find out if things would be different this time. Not that words and promises could change the past.

And if she wanted to keep her grandfather’s company from slipping away, she had to follow her plan. She couldn’t let her family down again. Her brothers accepted her choices, most of the time. But they had a limit. And when they found out she was involved with Liam again? She had a feeling that respect would go out the window in a heartbeat.

She’d seen the looks her brothers had given Liam over the past seven years. Back when Georgia had come to stay with her, before her friend had worked out her problems with the man she planned to marry, Katie’s brothers—especially Chad—had been ready and willing to start a fight when Liam had come looking for his little sister.

Liam came around to her side of the car. “Ready?”

She walked past him. “Let’s check it out.”