Liam caught her arm. “You’re not taking your clothes off in front of that man.”

The way he said those words, as if she didn’t have a choice, as if the decision was his to make—it should have sparked fury. She hadn’t planned to strip down for the photographer. Not today. Not while Liam watched. Still, he had no right to tell her what to do.

“Maybe not all—”


A thrill ran down her spine. Despite their history and the fact that she’d struggled to change, to become a different woman from the foolish girl who’d met him in the field, she wanted to see his brown eyes burn with a look that said, You’re mine.

“Liam,” she said, feeling as if she was poking an angry bear. “You might like the ones under the shower.”

He drew her closer, his eyes shining with a look of pure possession. “Katie, when you get wet that man will not be anywhere close to you.”

LIAM RELEASED KATIE’S arm and headed for the man with the damn camera. If the guy wasn’t looking to take pictures of Katie and, shit, his little sister, he might have slapped him on the back and asked how the hell he started a business taking pictures of mostly naked women. When he heard Clive Jones say Katie’s name, Liam had known he’d hate the surprise.

Boudoir photographer wasn’t the first thing running through his head. He’d seen the other guy and wondered if she had something wild planned for tonight. He was all for kinky sex. But he drew the line at sharing Katie—even if the guy planned to stay on the other side of the lens.

He stopped beside the photographer. “Sorry for your trouble, but you need to leave.”

Clive Jones lowered his camera. “I take it she didn’t tell you first. Look, man, I’m sorry. But if the bride changes her mind, I can leave your girlfriend out of it.”

“The bride is my sister,” Liam said. This man wasn’t getting near Georgia. He reached into his back pocket and withdrew his wallet. “What do we owe you for your trouble?”

“Nothing.” Clive Jones held up his camera. “The shots of the lake in this light were worth the trip.”

“I’m sorry,” Katie added, moving to Liam’s side. “For dragging you down here. But the bride’s fiancé would probably have a similar reaction to my friend here.”

Her friend? Liam kept his mouth shut. But after tonight, they were going to be a lot more than friends. He’d taken this as slow as he could, fighting the attraction. Now he needed Katie in his life.

“Most guys, when they have the pictures in their hands, don’t care who took them,” Clive said, as he turned and headed to his car.

“I would,” Liam muttered. “And so would Eric.”

Liam scooped up his duffel and groceries, then turned to Katie. “Ready?”

“That wasn’t your call.” She picked up her bag and followed him down the small dock.

Liam set the bags beside the small blue and white motorboat. It wasn’t much, but it would get them across the lake.

“If your sister wants a boudoir photo shoot, she should have one. After all she sacrificed, Georgia deserves fun and happiness—”

“She does,” he agreed. “But I have a feeling that explaining those pictures to Eric wouldn’t be much fun. You’ll have to think of something else for her party.”

“I will. Still, you didn’t need to send him away before I got a chance to talk to him and see his work. I wanted to tell Georgia that I honestly explored the options.”

Leaning over the edge of the boat, Katie set her bag on the wraparound bench. Liam moved behind her, wrapping his arm around her waist, capturing her body against his as she stood. She’d worn jeans and a fitted sleeveless shirt. Her clothes hugged her curves, but left him longing for the short skirt she’d worn to the bar.

“She can set up her own photo shoot. I’m sure Eric knows how to work a camera.” Liam’s lips brushed her ear. “But tonight, in the cabin, that’s for us. To finish what we started at Big Buck’s.”

If he had his way, it wouldn’t end with one night in a cabin.

She leaned back against him, her hands brushing his thighs. “It might have been fun. Like foreplay.”

His hands moved to her hips, slowing turning her to face him. Liam lifted his fingers to her cheek, gently brushing her smooth skin. His lips followed. Katie touched his chest, palms flat against his T-shirt. Damn, he wished he could pull the fabric over his head and feel her skin against his. But this wasn’t the place.

He deepened the kiss, running his tongue along her lips until she let him in. Her body pressed closer, seeking his. Her hands moved to his ass, holding him tight and drawing him in until Liam could feel her chest against his. Slowly, he drew back, kissing the edge of her mouth, her cheek, her jaw.

Brushing her hair away from her eyes, he looked down at her. “Honey, I know a thing or two about foreplay.”