She turned her head, looking over her shoulder without releasing the post. “I like to read. I know that a woman can maintain her sense of self and still enjoy a spanking now and then.”

His brown eyes widened. “What the hell are you reading?”

“And I have a feeling you’ll like seeing your mark on my backside,” she said, ignoring his question.


She drew her lower lip between her teeth before turned away from him. “We won’t know if I like it unless we try.”

He pressed his palm against her before lifting his hand away. Without a word of warning, he brought it down, smacking her bottom.

It didn’t hurt. And she knew it sounded worse than it felt, but still, she looked back at him, her eyes wide with surprise and something that felt an awful lot like I’ll-hurt-you-if-you-try-that-again. She’d expected a rush of pleasure like she’d read about in books, but instead he’d erased any feelings of wanting and desire.

“Did that turn you on?” she demanded, still holding the bedpost.

“Honey, you’re looking at me like you don’t want me to touch you, so no.” He moved closer, reaching for her again. But this time his touch was soft and gentle. “I want you melting in my arms, begging me for more, and screaming my name when you come.”

“That sounds like a much better fantasy.” She walked her hands up the bedpost, arching her back until her nipples almost grazed the wooden surface. Her feet moved closer and he followed, keeping hold of her.

His palm moved to her heated bottom. “We could always try it again,” he teased. “Just to be sure.”

“Don’t you dare!” Laughing, she stepped out of her reach, pulling her body flush against the bedpost before turning to face him.

“OK.” He held his palms up in mock surrender, his shoulders shaking as he fought to hold back his laughter.

“Katie?” A deep, familiar male voice called from beyond the open bedroom door. “Are you here?”

“Her car’s not out front.” The sound of the front door closing punctuated the sentence. “But someone must be here. There is a plate of eggs on the counter.”

Her laugh died. Her brothers had found her.

Liam’s teasing smile vanished as he moved to the door, drawing it shut. “Sounds like we have company.”

She nodded, looking around for her clothes. But they weren’t there. She’d left them scattered throughout the cabin . . . for her brothers to find. Katie closed her eyes. She’d sought revenge. She’d been eager for her siblings to find out she’d been with Liam. But she’d moved past that plan, choosing to forgive, to set the past aside and enjoy this moment with Liam, and still her siblings had found out. Or they would in a moment, unless she and Liam escaped through a window and made a run for their broken-down boat.

Probably not the best plan.

She opened her eyes, watching as Liam pulled a pair of jeans out of his bag. Moving to her overnight bag, she grabbed the first pair of shorts and T-shirt she could find. She needed to get out there and talk to her brothers before they searched the place.

“I didn’t ask them to come,” she said, keeping her voice low. “I don’t know how they found me.”

He zipped up his jeans, his hands moving to his hips. “I didn’t think you had.”

His faith in her cut like a knife.

“I need to g

et out there.” She drew her T-shirt over her head and moved past him, heading for the door. “Wait back here and I’ll send them away.”

“No.” His hand closed around her biceps, drawing her to a halt. “I’m not letting you face them alone.”

“They’re my brothers,” she protested. If they saw Liam, they’d start talking with their fists.

“You go out there and I’ll join you in a minute. They’re going to figure out you’re not alone. We left plates out and clothes.”

She nodded. “You’re right.”

“I’m guessing they probably would be more pissed off if you had come out here by yourself without telling anyone.” He released her arm and she moved to the door.