Suddenly, Sol’s weight shifted forward, one of his feet slipping on pebbles.

Ben launched himself at the man, grabbed his hand and pulled back so hard, they both fell to the ground in a haphazard heap.

The raptor sentries standing guard at the entrance to the cavern shot forth as well, hands outstretched, weapons drawn.

Sol struggled like a drunken man to his feet, while Ben did the same, keeping his tight grip on Sol’s arm.

The Eagle King laughed a humorless, loud laugh, and his soldiers stepped back, their expressions showing worry as well as confusion. But resignation too, as if this was not an uncommon sight.

He looked mad, Ben thought.

As in, crazy.

As in, short-changed in the head.

And all this time, there was nothing in his opaque, dark eyes. Not even a flicker of life.

When the empty laughter died down, he turned to regard Ben, those black, lifeless eyes threatening to drown him.

“What is it you want, human? Perhaps there will be enough time to grant you one request. Perhaps I will be that generous.”

“What will you do now?” Ben asked instead, wary.

He didn’t expect the Eagle King to answer him, but strangely Sol did.

“I will attend the Dark Queen Ashlu’s Challenge to find her Mate. My Dark One base will guarantee me entry. Perhaps by winning, I can negotiate peace for all our Kinds. Or at least for the Beasts.”

Gasps of surprise echoed around them, showing Ben that no one else knew of these dangerous plans. It sounded like a suicide mission.

And then, his fears were overwhelmingly confirmed.

Perhaps I will kill her dead when she takes my body into her own during the Mating ritual, Ben heard in the Eagle King’s thoughts.

And end this madness once and for all.

Forgive me, Rai, for the betrayal I will perpetrate. Know that, even were I to survive this, it will not be for long.

I promised you I will touch and love no other. Know no other’s touch and love. I have stayed true for these interminable millennia. The moment I break this promise is the moment I am as good as dead.

I’ll take the Dark Queen with me at the very least. I will not have betrayed you for nothing.

I hope you can understand.

I hope you can forgive me.

I am not strong enough to survive without you, for just the hope of you, after all.

I am…


Chapter Sixteen

“Is it better to have known True Love and lost it, or to have never known it at all?”


The atmosphere was ripe with anticipation and dread. Sin could practically smell it in the air.