As a long, hard fuck for release, perhaps, even as reluctant as Zai always seemed about it. As a partner on a common mission, possibly. They worked well together when they aligned their interests.

As a Mate…

Zai had given no indication before he disappeared that he thought of Sin that way. That he might ever think of Sin that way.

But Sin knew what he knew. Zai was it for him. And as long as he lived, there would be no other.

These forests surrounding the Dark Ones’ citadel, they reminded him of Zai so well. The mysterious shadows and dappled light, the rustling leaves and bubbling brooks. Most of all, the earthy, fresh, woodsy scent that reminded Sin of the Hunter’s skin.

These forests smelled like home.

It was as close to being embraced in his lover’s arms as he could get. It made him feel as if Zai could be waiting around every corner. And it was this hope that carried him through each day and night.

Over time, he’d developed a bit of a reputation as the “beast” that protected and haunted these forests. Dark soldiers who passed through didn’t have a high chance of coming out alive, while Pure Ones and humans who sought these woods for refuge often found their sanctuary for as long as they chose to stay.

Being a protector, a defender, gave him purpose as well as something of value to do. And bringing down Dark Ones scratched a vengeful, bloodthirsty itch within him that didn’t hurt either.

Suddenly, he froze mid-stride, one fore paw still lifted. His ears flicked and turned, then flattened against his skull, his whiskers tensing as he narrowed his eyes.

Something or someone was approaching fast.

Many someones.

A slight breeze rustling through foliage and vegetation carried the stale stench of unwashed bodies, dirt and sweat, mixed with the metallic odor of rusted blood. He knew that smell, having dealt aplenty with the carriers of this odor—


Queen Ashlu might have abolished the Annual Hunt, touting her more magnanimous ways in public to all of the Kinds oppressed by Dark Rule, but privately, she sent word out that could never be traced back to her that anyone who could bring her Beasts or Elementals alive would receive a generous reward. Thus, bloodthirsty Dark Ones who enjoyed the danger of the hunt and other Kinds of assassins who were greedy for land, gold or jewels banded together, often in groups of three to half a dozen, to carry out the Queen’s secret mission.

Sin lowered his body and moved with silent stealth through the woods that he knew like the back of his paw. He’d had a few close encounters with mercenaries over the last few years, but he always triumphed in the end. This would be no different.

A woman’s scream a short distance away made him stiffen with attention, stopping in his tracks.

“Help me, please! Somebody!” she cried.

Male grunts and laughter mixed with more screams.

“No! Don’t!”

The tearing of cloth could be heard.

Immediately, Sin’s mind flashed back to the sounds of Anya screaming as he ran as fast as he could to get to her.

No. It couldn’t be happening again.

He couldn’t let a defenseless female be ripped apart like this again. Not in his forest. Not under his watch.

His body took on a will of its own now, charging through the dense undergrowth toward the disturbance, uncaring of any threat or danger. When he burst through the tree line into a small clearing, he saw two men mauling a woman whose tunic was torn, bloody scratches on exposed skin, her long hair a tangled mess shielding most of her face.

He leapt upon the man closest, caught the back of the attacker’s neck between his jaws and ripped the head right off his body with a twist of his head. Blood gushed as the man fell in a headless heap. He didn’t disintegrate to ashes, however, showing that he was human instead of Dark.

Which didn’t matter to Sin at all. Abusers of any Kind deserved whatever punishment he saw fit to deal them.

This was his forest. These were his rules.

He pivoted on his hind legs at the other man and led with a swipe of his paw. The man screamed in agony when his torso was torn open and his guts spilled out onto the ground. With a bloody gurgle, he fell too.

Sin stepped on his lower back to break his spine underfoot for good measure before focusing at last on the woman.