A low rumble vibrated through the liger’s torso, gaining volume as it traveled up his chest and through his throat. It was his signature purr-growl. And Zai could finally interpret the liger’s mood.

Affection mixed with hunger.

And something more.

So much more.

In a flash, Sin transformed to man and lowered his naked weight on top of Zai, chest to chest, hips to hips, long, muscular legs tangled with Zai’s.

He tunneled his fingers into Zai’s shoulder-length waves, pushing the hair back from his face, until he held Zai’s skull between his palms and drilled those intense yellow eyes into him.


It was the only word Sin communicated in all this time. In a primal, feral growl.

But it was more than enough. Zai understood.

He wrapped his arms around his Beast’s back, squeezing his lean sides and then his hard buttocks, pulling Sin’s erection against his own, grinding them together.

Mine, he echoed back, his own growl just as primitive, just as wild.

Like a beast unleashed, Sin crushed his mouth to Zai’s, hot tongue plundering, sharp teeth biting. At the same time, he knocked Zai’s legs wide open with his knees, shifted his hips and thrust unerringly home.

Zai’s breath left him on a pained gasp, even as he sucked on Sin’s tongue, giving back as much as he got.

He wasn’t prepared. It hurt like a fucker. But he welcomed it all the same.

It was Sin inside of him.

It was Sin who made him bleed. Who took what he wanted and owned him totally.

Whatever he wanted, Zai would give willingly. Always. Pain or pleasure, he would take it all.

This was hisMate.

His Sin.

So, he squeezed his channel tightly around the searing hot rod inside of him, showing without words how much he wanted Sin there.


He angled his head to kiss Sin deeper and let Sin plunder as much as he wanted in return.

His lips throbbed from Sin’s bites and rubbing. His hair hurt from where Sin pulled it tight around his fist. His hole clenched with an agonizing pleasure around the long, thick intrusion deep inside.

This was a Claiming, and Zai fucking embraced it.

And then, like a dam finally broken, Sin shuddered and shook with a long, muted release. Not so much in pleasure, but more a letting-go of pain.

Before Zai’s disbelieving eyes, Sin broke their kiss as his face contorted in pure heartbreak. He clenched his jaw repeatedly to hold back the silent sobs that racked his big body, eyes squeezed shut and turned away. But the tears still leaked out of the corners, trailing down his too-sharp cheeks.

Zai’s heart broke as well.

He felt it then. Everything Sin had been holding back from him. Everything the other male felt inside. How much he wanted Zai. How long he’d ached and yearned for him.

Five years.

Sin had spent all this time waiting, wandering these woods just for the minute chance that Zai might come back. That Zai even wanted to come back. That he might eventually feel the same for Sin.