“Does this particular liger mean something to you, or are you trying to liberate animal spirits in general?” Ben asked.

Zai’s scowl got deeper. But he didn’t answer this time, no matter how long Ben waited.

Ben opened his mouth to ask about the game plan next, when two large shadows loomed over them, blocking out all light.

“Queen Ashlu will see you now, Hunters,” a Dark Sentinel intoned.

Zai rose with casual, loose-limbed grace, while Ben rose more stiffly.

He was busy girding his metaphorical loins and coaching himself to man the fuck up.

After all, he was about to come face to face with the most famous Dark Queen across the known history of the Dark and Pure Ones.

The mother of Ishtar Anshar and Anunit Salamu. Ishtar, who was Ben’s biological grandmother. Anunit, her twin sister, otherwise known as the bane of all his loved ones’ existence—the vampire demoness, Medusa.

He was about to meet the Dark Queen that dominated the entire universe and all beings within it:

Ashlu Da-ni-gal.

Holy fucking shit.

~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~

The layout of the citadel was more or less the same. After all, it was carved directly into the mountain, and the foundations were made of the most impenetrable, indestructible metals and stone.

But there were noticeable differences, just like the outer courtyard that Zai had already memorized like the back of his hand.

The stones were whitewashed to a glistening sheen. Where possible, new additions were constructed out of more refined, aesthetically pleasing materials, though no less sturdy. Intricate carvings and statues decorated the torch-lit halls. Rare, sparkling jewels adorned simple, immaculate furniture and walls.

Zai estimated that some of the secret passages the citadel had boasted before would be destroyed or sealed. New ones would have been created, just like the way Queen Ashlu turned over the critical members of her inner court.

If he needed to make a hasty escape, he couldn’t count on the tunnels he discovered when he’d served Gaia. He had to adjust his plan as he went along.

The throne room, however, was much the same as before—

A thirty-foot domed ceiling lit with strategically-placed torches in a spiraled progression all along the perimeter. Towering columns carved from a single rock formation that supported it. The dais and the throne that sat upon it were also carved out of rock, one with the stone ground out of which they rose.

A dozen of the Queen’s personal guard stood alert and armed at entry and exit points, four of them standing just behind the throne, two on either side.

They were all new. Except for the Dark Commander who stood tall immediately on the Queen’s right, and the Consul who stood on her left.

Zai half expected to see the fabled earth Elemental who was both the new Queen’s shameful secret and most powerful weapon.

He aided her armies, though he never led them. He won critical battles and wars for her against those who contested her rule. But she never included him in official gatherings, or so the stories went. He was her Blood Slave, lover, assassin, but never her equal.

He was not present, Zai was relieved to note. One less threat to contend with.

The soldiers who brought Zai and Ben into Ashlu’s presence ushered them forth, then retreated a few steps back into the shadows. But close enough to act should their services be required.

Thus, Zai stood between two illuminating pillars with three shelves each of low-burning fires, facing the new Dark Queen for the first time. He made sure to stand a little in front of Ben, keeping the boy in his shadow, slightly hidden from view.

“Hunter,” Ashlu acknowledged in a low, sultry voice.

She was far more beautiful than her mother, Zai noted objectively.

At least on the surface.

Her dress and bearing were more refined, elegant, and distinctly feminine. Intricate threads of gold, silver, pearls and diamonds wove through her lustrous, long dark locks.