It was a believable story, and all true to a certain extent. Zai knew that one of the Consul’s Gifts was the ability to hear lies when spoken. He could almost see Ashlu’s mind working, turning his words this way and that to examine more closely.

And then, for the first time, the Consul spoke.

“My Queen, I do not hear a lie in the Hunter’s statements. And recall that Queen Gaia ultimately met her end by pushing the Elementals too far. It could very well have happened with the Beasts.”

Ashlu considered this for long moments, spearing Zai with her intent dark stare.

Finally, she asked, “Why are you here, Hunter? Why now?”

This was where Zai had to tread very carefully. The Consul would hear his lies. He could only manipulate the truth to suit his needs.

“I do not have purpose in my existence, my Queen. I know only how to hunt. Living as an exile is no life at all. I want my life to be worth something.”

All true. Every word.

“I can be of use to you.”

Yes, he could. But it didn’t mean he would.

“I know how to find the Beast Kings. I know, in your new reign, you want to rule long and uncontested. I have heard that you are the prophesized Queen of All Kinds. If you want to keep the other Immortals in check, you must first know where they are and what you’re up against. I have ways to bring you that knowledge.”

Zai took a small, surreptitious breath to keep his voice emotionless and steady.

“All I need is the liger in your dungeons. He will lead me straight to them.”

This was where Zai evened his breathing and forcibly kept his heartbeat slow, a technique he’d learned as a child, when he first started to hunt. It came in handy now, when faced with formidable predators of the two-legged variety.

Even in this, Ben mimicked him. He could hear the boy’s heartbeat, but it didn’t pound, as any prey’s would in the same situation.

Either the boy had no fear, or he was a very special human indeed. His instincts were superhuman, at least.

The Consul gave an almost imperceptible nod after long, fraught moments, and Ashlu finally blinked.

“What impeccable timing,” the Queen purred.

“I have just the thing for you to demonstrate your newfound allegiance.”

“Come,” she commanded, rising.

“It is time to put on a show for my subjects. You will help me put the Beast in his place before we let the defeated, humiliated pussycat go.”

Chapter Six

“An unmated Beast tends toward a solitary life, except for the bonds of brotherhood and family. A mated Beast protects and provides for his own with every breath. His devotion is unequivocal and irrevocable. A Beast who lost his Mate but not his life risks losing his humanity to sadness and despair. Beware of this feral, heartless animal, for he will not hesitate to bite the hand that feeds him…”

—From the lost oral fables of Immortals

The Dark minions finally came with their ropes, chains, arrows and long spears.

Sin put up a show and fought half-heartedly back, for it was expected of him.

Feral, mindless beast that he was.

In truth, he was conserving his strength for the real fight to come. This dawn, he would break free or die trying.

He let his tormenters loop the ropes and chains around his limbs and body, let them slowly lift him from the pit with a machine operated by a pulley that took two Dark Ones’ strength to crank. When his paws touched solid ground, he flexed his muscles and shook his head, surreptitiously testing the restraints.

There was still some slack. His limbs weren’t as thick with muscle as they used to be.