Needed it.

So, Sin gave it to him.

He thrust deeply, over and over, forehead pressed against the male’s, gazes fused. He heard the Hunter’s moan, trapped within his broad, barrel chest, for the male refused to give it voice.

But Sin heard it anyway.

The man’s own erection, caught between their bodies, untouched, leaked strings of clear fluid from its ruddy head.

For just a moment, Sin tore his gaze away from the Hunter’s and looked down between them. Looked at his sex tunneling into the big, strong body beneath him.

Breaking him. Molding him. Conforming the man’s muscled flesh to his will.

Sin looked at the armor-like plates of muscles, revealed by his shoved-up tunic, rippling in the Hunter’s abdomen as they moved together. The dark hair that covered his naturally bronzed skin, matted with sweat. His turgid, weeping cock, the small, quivering slit at its head, opening and closing like a thirsty mouth.

He could see the length of his cock moving beneath the thin skin of the Hunter’s stomach. How the area beneath his shallow navel leading toward his groin was dark with the same flush that suffused his neck and face.

The strong scent of the male’s sex and blood, mingled with Sin’s own, effervesced in the humid air between their straining bodies, driving Sin mad with lust. And the vision of his thickness plowing between the unyielding, round globes of the Hunter’s ass, tearing into the tight ring of his stretched hole…

It was erotic and obscene, and Sin couldn’t look away if he tried.

His own cock was so hard and swollen, it had turned the color of a plum. But he could still see the stains of bright red blood wrapped around his skin. Evidence of the brutal way he’d broken into his enemy’s body. Or rather, how his enemy had ruthlessly broken himself onto Sin’s unforgiving cock.

It was the most arousing thing he’d ever seen.

A fiery tingle began at the base of Sin’s spine, steadily traveling up his back and spreading to his extremities.

Gods! He wanted to come!

He was desperate for relief.

It had been so very long. For decades, he’d not known another’s touch, unless it was in violence, both given and received.

This was a violence too.

At least, it began that way.

But now…

Something had changed.

Sin’s mind was wiped of hatred and revenge. For these brief moments, his body didn’t suffer from the agony of its countless wounds, the Hunter’s daggers still protruding from his shoulders ignored.

Now, withthis malebeneath him, his flesh engulfing Sin’s, sucking him deeper and deeper inside, Sin felt only the rawest pleasure. The most intense, addictive ecstasy.

And then—his enemy sucked in a sharp breath, held it, and tensed his entire body into a relentless vice.

Sin immediately flicked his gaze back up, needing to witness the man’s face as he came undone, up close and personal.

The Hunter’s eyes scrunched shut as his face contorted, despite the clenching of his jaw to prevent it.

If he didn’t know better, Sin would have thought that the other male was in agony instead of the height of euphoria as he began to quiver and shake in the throes of a full-bodied orgasm.

As if he wanted to hide from Sin’s unblinking, penetrating gaze, the Hunter turned his face to the side as his body broke apart, his cock shooting pulse after pulse of thick cream between them, his ass clenching rhythmically around Sin’s staff.


Sin had never seen a sight more mesmerizing, more unapologetically beautiful.