What the Dark blazeswas wrong with him?!

If you don’t tell me, I will have to guess.

Why was the liger so verbose all of a sudden? Why wouldn’t he take a fucking hint!

Zai scowled so hard a vein in his temple throbbed and bulged.

I was named after the moon god myself, probably because of my godly physique.

Zai rolled his eyes at that.

You have experienced a demonstration of my power, after all. You can attest to it.

How did it feel having my hard cock plow into you, hmm? Once you had mine, no other will do.

Zai was going to kill him.

He’d fulfilled the stupid debt he carried all these years, so now he was free to kill the bastard.

If he didn’t shut the fuck up!

I can hear your thoughts, you know. Even if you don’t want to consciously transmit them. I don’t know why we are connected this way, but we are.

“Stop following me,” Zai gritted out between clenched teeth.

The fact that the liger was also aware of their unique bond made him even more uncomfortable. Zai spoke just so he wouldn’t have the Beast reading his mind.

Why would you assume I’m following you?

You’re clearly headed toward the sound of water, the same sound I’m hearing too. Chances are, we want to get there for the same reason.

I’m thirsty. I lost a lot of fluids because of you.

Zai halted his steps without thinking, stuck on the image in his mind of the Beast coming hard and long inside of him, flooding his burning channel with soothing cream.

The liger stopped too and tilted his head, staring at Zai’s face with those bright yellow eyes.

Aye, that too.

But I was thinking of the blood you made me bleed.

If felines could smirk, this one did it infuriatingly well.

Zai ground his teeth and continued on.

He wouldn’t rise to the liger’s baiting. He was immune to the Beast’s taunts.

And if he kept telling himself this lie, it might actually become truth.


Moon god or not, the name fit the male.

Everything about him was an invitation to sin. The Dark side of Zai didn’t often rear its ugly head, but it did now.

Fuck, did it ever.

His body vibrated with tension and need. It warred with his mind, wanting the Beast…fusedwith him. His head, on the other hand, told him to get as far away as possible from the other male.