Whatever it was, Zai found himself staring into those brilliant eyes. He couldn’t look away.

The feline smirk was back on the Beast’s furry maw as he began to walk ahead of Zai, the tufted end of his tail swishing back and forth like a taunt.

This time, it was Zai who followed.

He did it as naturally as breathing. As if he’d been walking with this male all his life.

Chapter Ten

“In a time before time, when gods ruled the Universe, the Twin Goddesses created Beasts as steadfast companions and to fight their wars. Admiring their strength and nobility, one of the Twins lay with a Beast. As punishment for this transgression, both Twins were banished from Heaven…”

—From the lost oral fables of Immortals

There were no more words, spoken or otherwise, for the rest of the short journey to the hidden waterfall and pond deep within the woods.

Separately but together, they drank their fill of the cool, fresh water, and bathed as well. They were always intensely aware of each other, though they maintained several yards apart, each doing his own thing.

This awareness was even more pronounced when Sin shifted into human to use his hands in the washing and scrubbing.

He could feel the Hunter’s dark eyes like a sunburn upon his skin. The nameless Dark One didn’t even try to hide his fascination any more. He simply stared at Sin hungrily, his thoughts a jumble of sex, blood and violence.

He was a Dark One, after all. It was as if his internal leash had snapped from Sin’s goading. And now, with his primitive nature overtaking his human conscience, Sin wondered which of them was animal, and which of them was man.

Perhaps, for this brief time, in this secret glen, they would both unleash the savage animals inside and let their instincts rule.

Sin shook his hair and squeezed out the last drops of water by raking his hands through the sides and back. He shifted to liger for only an instant, shaking out the rest of his body, before standing tall as a man again, his skin now almost completely dry.

This deep in the woods, there was little sun to be had, but for a few errant shafts of warm light filtering through the canopy of leaves overhead. It was cool in the forest, and Sin loved the shade. As a full-blooded Beast, his body always ran hot. The shade was soothing, just like the fresh bath had been.

He looked over at the Hunter, where the man sat upon a moss-covered boulder to wring out the tunic he’d just finished washing.

What was his name? Why wouldn’t he answer?

Sin had a burning desire to know.

He studied the Dark One while the male purposely ignored him. Why he bothered, Sin couldn’t tell. After all, he could hear the Hunter’s thoughts, and his thoughts were filled with Sin.

There was confusion, frustration, and a tremendous amount of reluctance. But louder than all of those emotions were the more primitive instincts like need, hunger and the drive to mate.

Even now, sitting unabashedly naked upon the boulder, Sin could see that the Hunter was mostly hard, his long, thick cock jutting against his thigh from a neat thatch of dark hair.

He licked his lips at the sight of it.

It was indisputably the most delicious looking cock he’d ever seen. He didn’t care that he’d never had such a thought before across the whole of his existence. He just knew that he had it now.

He wanted it.

He wanted to taste it, lick it, suck it. Milk it until it gushed thick, salty cream. Bite into the zig-zagging veins and lap up the sweet blood.

And then he wanted to feel it inside him, the way he vicariously felt how the Hunter felt, taking Sin’s cock inside the other male.

There had been a tearing, burning pain. Magnified by the rough way he’d plunged deep over and over again, like a hot sword stabbing repeatedly into tender flesh.

But then, when Sin had slowed down and adjusted the angle of his penetration, there was an overwhelming pressure and ache. An ache that was both stoked and soothed by the friction of his cock against the secret place inside that lit the Hunter’s body into an inferno of pure, undiluted ecstasy.

The more Sin pounded against that place, the worse the ache intensified, even as the pleasure built and built. And then—

Explosive, heavenly release.