Zai ground his teeth and forced himself to stay still.

They’d found their release last night. They’d had their fill. In the bright light of day, they would soon go their separate ways.

He needed to assert some distance.

But the liger wasn’t having it.

“I want you,” Sin repeated, licking at Zai’s throat now, plumping the jugular vein with his rasping tongue.

Even in human form, his tongue had small thorns coating the surface. Zai supposed he used them only when he wanted to, for he hadn’t felt the abrasion before.

Immediately, he wondered how that tongue would feel elsewhere on his body, where he was even more sensitive.

A rumbling chuckle rolled through the Beast’s body as he heard Zai’s thought.

“Why don’t we try and see? I can’t wait to taste your delicious cock. Your heavy balls. Coax open that tightly shut hole and taste the inside of you.”

Zai involuntarily shuddered at the darkly uttered words but refused to give in. He pushed against the liger’s hold, trying to disengage their bodies.

“Not yet,” Sin murmured, tightening his grip.

“Give me one more release. I want to feel your cum inside of me all day; your blood, dancing in my veins.”

He was not strong enough to refuse, Zai realized. What was the harm?

He pushed the thought of parting to the back of his mind and focused only on the present.

He raised Sin’s leg and held it over his arm, exposing him more fully.

Seeing that he wasn’t pushing him away, Sin let him, giving Zai unrestrained access to his body. Making himself vulnerable the only way the powerful Beast couldbevulnerable.

Still on their sides, eyes fused, Zai began a slow, deep thrust, angling his body up and into Sin in a way that pushed him deeper, right where Sin needed him the most.

“Yes,” the Beast husked, staring unblinkingly into Zai’s eyes.

Their faces were closer now. Zai didn’t recall moving, but Sin was right there in front of him, their noses almost touching.

He could see each individual eyelash in the long, lush thicket around the Beast’s upper and lower lids. There were no whites to Sin’s eyes, he just now realized. The edges were lined with black, like kohl. The yellow irises were shot through with gold and darkened in passion with amber.

They were mesmerizing.

Zai could stare into those eyes forever and not want to look away.

What was happening to him?

He didn’t want this…this intense connection that left him breathless. Pulse racing. Heart pounding.

His eyes drifted lower as if pulled by invisible strings to the Beast’s mouth.

The liger’s scruff was not as heavy as Zai’s own rough beard. It covered his hard, angular jaw in a dense layer of neat, dark blond hair. It looked soft somehow, like Zai knew the Beast’s hair to be. Almost as fine as fur, framing a pair of wide, generous lips.

If Zai angled his head slightly, craned his neck just a little more, their mouths would meet. Their breaths would fuse.

Even now, he could feel the male’s pleasured gasps against his lips. And as he stroked long and deep into Sin’s cum-slicked channel, those shortened breaths bloomed into low moans.

No other sound had ever enflamed Zai’s passion more.

No other lips had ever taunted him this way. Beckoned and pleaded with him to take a taste, to cover them with his own.