Too much.

If you want to keep this up, then fuck me proper with your big fat cock. Your fingers are not enough.

You make the ache inside even worse.

Oh, Zai would love nothing better than to live inside the other male for half an eternity. But the sounds of others’ approach made him come to his senses, however reluctantly.

He was still hard, his erection glistening with their fluids, the thatch at its base matted with cum. It bobbed angrily, so swollen it was almost purple, as if protesting his stupid decision to disengage.

He gave it a hard swat, reached lower to squeeze his balls in a tight fist, and fully accepted the self-inflicted pain. It was time to move on.

This meantnothing.

Wordlessly, he waded into the pool to quickly clean his body before others caught up with them. Based on Sin’s description, he knew it could only be Ben. With practiced efficiency, he stepped out of the water, pulled on his clothes and boots and strapped on his weapons.

All the while he didn’t speak to or look at Sin.

He couldn’t. He wasn’t strong enough to resist the distraction.

And distraction was all this was.

All it would ever be.

The Beast would return to his own clan. Zai would disappear to gods knew where. He didn’t care as long as he was left alone in anonymity. As long as he didn’t have to do others’ bidding and carry out others’ whims.

Dark One and Beast, they came from opposite sides of the known world. Their paths might cross, but they were never meant to intertwine.

Unlike the way their bodies so naturally embraced one another last night, consumed each other and melded into one.

It meantnothing.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Sin stretch sinuously, still lying upon the ground. Then, the Beast transformed into animal, pulled one hind leg up beside his head and began to meticulously lick himself.

Zai froze, staring despite himself.

The liger looked up at him as he continued licking. A feline smirk spread across his maw.

Mmm. Delicious.

I could eat your cum all day.

Immediately, Zai’s body went up in flames, and his face flushed hot enough to fry an egg.

The feline snickered in his head, thoroughly enjoying his embarrassment.



Ben’s voice snapped his attention away from the troublesome liger.

He watched impassively as Ben rode into the clearing, pulling another steed behind him, a strange white fox padding softly beside him, keeping pace.

“Finally found you,” the boy said, stopping a few feet away and dismounting.

He looked at Sin, who had stood on four paws looking intently back at Ben.

“And you managed not to kill each other in the meantime, I see. Are you no longer enemies?”