Sometimes, Zai was in a grumpier mood than usual and tried to fight him off.

Sin would not be deterred. He wanted to be with the male by themselves, with as much privacy as possible. And he always took the time to find the perfect nook, hidden from the others’ view.

In the end, Zai always let Sin have his way. They might tussle a while before it happened, but eventually, it did. Sin was both patient and stubborn in getting what he wanted.

And he wantedZai.

Of course, once they settled together to sleep, Sin always pushed for more.

First, he would innocently cuddle up to Zai in liger form, lying half beside him, half on top of him, crowding the man as much as he could.

Then, when Zai let his guard down and drifted off to sleep, Sin would transform into man and get even closer. He would wrap his arms tight around Zai whether face to face or from behind, and he’d try his damnest to cram his greedy, needy cock inside the heavenly furnace of the male’s tight body.

For his part, Zai never let him get away with anything.

Sin often passed out with new black eyes, a broken nose, bruises everywhere, but most particularly unpleasant—full to bursting, cramped and unrelieved balls.

When his best efforts to seduce didn’t work, he tried to get Zai to mount him instead. He didn’t care who was inside whom; he just wanted them to be joined that way.

He wanted it more than his next breath.

But Zai abstained from fucking Sin as well.

As if that one night they had together was all he was going to give Sin. As if it was a never-to-be-repeated anomaly.

Sin tried to win the Hunter over by being playful, rolling around the ground in liger form and showing the man his furry belly.

Who could resist rubbing a cat’s belly?

Anya never could. No matter how displeased Sin made her sometimes, just by virtue of beingSin, she would always forgive him, and laugh and cuddle with him when he showed her his belly with paws in the air.

Zai, however, seemed entirely immune.

He wasn’t impressed with Sin’s gifts, be it a bloody carcass or a mouthful of iris flowers. (Yes, Sin knew what irises were. Anya had loved flowers, and Sin always brought her a bunch at the end of each day).

He wasn’t trying towoothe Hunter.

Of course not. Not for any kind of “romance” anyway.

He was merely trying to getinsideof the male.

And though he could have forced himself upon the man if he really wanted to, or at the very least make him fight Sin so “winner takes all,” he found that he didn’t want that at all.

He wanted Zai to want him back.

He wanted the other male as hungry for Sin’s cock as Sin was for his.

But, while Zai capitulated to sleep next to Sin, he didn’t let Sin get away with anything else.

Except this night, Sin was more stubborn than usual.

This night, he was going to find a way to break through the Hunter’s impenetrable walls.

Chapter Twelve

“Ultimately, the Goddesses lost. One Twin gave her life for a love discovered too late. The other lost herself to Darkness and bitter vengeance…”

—From the lost oral fables of Immortals