Sin would pound it into his body, rub it into his skin. Imprint it on his lips with stinging kisses and infuse it into his surrendering sighs.

Countless climaxes later, shared between both of them, Sin still pulsed within Zai’s cum-slicked channel, even though the rest of his body was an enervated deadweight on top of his male.

He shifted to the side a little so that he could face Zai as he also turned the man to look at him.

Sleepily, exhaustedly, they gazed at each other, almost nose to nose.

“Stay,” Sin husked, staring into the Hunter’s fathomless dark eyes, rubbing his thumb down one of the long claw marks that he had carved into his enemy’s face long ago.

Did he somehow know, even then, that this male belonged to him?

It boggled the mind to think that this was always his Fate.

But Sin didn’t fight it. He didn’t overthink it.

He simplyknewit with every fiber of his being.

Zai was silent for the longest time, simply staring back at him.

His insides still clenched tightly around Sin, still milked him rhythmically for his seed.

Sin knew that the tightening of his ass around Sin’s undying erection rubbed his swollen gland just right. With each clench of muscle, the Hunter’s whole body quivered in orgasm, riding an endless high that neither wanted to come down from.

This was what their bodies were made to do—to give each other endless pleasure. To dominate as much as submit. To surrender as much as enslave.

Surely, Zai felt it too. Surely, he knew the primal truth.

At last, he stilled. Everything inside and out stilled as well.

“No,” he said.

And Sin knew that it was his final word.

Stubborn warrior, Sin thought, closing his eyes, ignoring the ache that suddenly filled his chest, like blood pouring from a mortal wound.

Good thing he was used to being in constant pain of one sort or another around the Dark Hunter. Thus, he didn’t let this latest rejection sour him from a good night’s rest.

Zai should know by now that, between the two of them, Sin was by far the stubbornest.

So, he simply locked his man in a tight embrace, squeezing a bit harder than usual until Zai’s bones creaked in protest, buried his face in the crook of Zai’s neck and went to sleep.

The Hunter sighed deeply but didn’t complain. Within moments, Sin felt his even breaths in slumber.

And for now, everything was right in Sin’s world.

Zai was in his arms. Sin was inside of Zai.

Tomorrow, he would try again to bring the other male around to his view of things.

But little did Sin know that tomorrow would bring a deadly ambush instead.

Chapter Thirteen

“The Dark Twin lived in exile on earth, banished forever from Heaven. Her punishment was to exist in a borrowed shell, trapped and removed of her original power, ever a witness to the miracles of life but never a full participant…”

—From the lost oral fables of Immortals

It was the fox’s sharp yip that alerted Ben to danger.