He wasn’t strong enough. He was only human, after all.

And just when the tip of his enemy’s fangs scraped his skin, a streak of white tumbled into his attacker, knocking the Dark One off of him.

Weak from blood loss and exhaustion, Ben could only sit and watch as a half dozen giant feline predators bounded onto the scene—

A spotted leopard, a black panther, a dark-maned lion, a puma, a jaguar, and…

The largest fucking white Siberian tiger Ben had ever seen.

There could only be one: Goya, the Tiger King.

In short order, to the cacophony of roars, growls and gurgled screams, the Beasts of earth dispatched all of the Dark attackers that came at them. Until the ground was covered in a thick layer of ashes in the aftermath of the heated battle.

Ben had just enough strength left to rise to his feet and whoop with jubilation, still running on an adrenaline high.

Sin shouted his triumph as well in a long, resounding roar. The lion joined him, while the other cats added their growls.

But their bonding over the badass victory was cut short when the lion suddenly glimpsed Zai, standing a little apart from the group, and rushed him with a ferocious snarl.

The giant lion led with his front paw, swiping it directly at the side of Zai’s head, taking him down with one unexpected strike.

And pandemonium broke loose once again, when Sin crashed into the lion, claws digging into its shoulders, fangs sinking into its neck.

~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~* ~ *~ * ~

Sin was possessed by a demon as he tore into the lion that dared attack his Hunter.

Within moments, he had the Beast in a mortal bind, his fangs already an inch deep in the lion’s throat, his claws holding it immobile around the shoulders.

The lion struggled and growled, raking its sharp claws into Sin’s hide, wherever it could reach.

But Sin was bigger, stronger, heavier. He held the lion down and began to close his jaws in a killing move.


Sin’s ears flattened back as he rolled his eyes around to look at the speaker.

The Great White Tiger sat on his haunches looking intently back at Sin.

He was surrounded by four other predatory felines, presumably all part of his clan. Though they sat on their haunches as well, they hissed and growled, clearly conveying their animosity toward Sin, who still had the lion trapped in his jaws.

Let him go, the tiger commanded.

Sin eyed him closely, narrowing his eyes.

So this was Goya, the Tiger King.

He was certainly a big fucking Beast. Equal in size to Sin, who had never met another Beast of earth anywhere close to his heft and build.

But where Sin was like an overgrown cub, filled with restless energy and combustible passion, the Tiger King was clearly an ancient being, wise and calm.

His body seemed relaxed even though Sin couldfeelthe palpable power that he emanated. His bright blue eyes were serene, but they still glinted with the message,fuck with me on pain of death.

He commanded all those around them without having to speak louder than a rumble, his deep voice almost soothing in its husky timbre in Sin’s mind.

He was impressive, Sin would give him that. But Sin could still take the fucker on if he had to.

He might even win.