I’ll never surrender something important to me, even if the chances of winning are slim.

The Tiger King let out a long breath, stood and slowly walked to Sin.

When they were eye to eye, up close and personal, he said,I see that, Beast.

I respect that.

You and your hunter will have a fair hearing, that I promise you.

Now, you will let Leo go and follow me back to the enclave, before we are discovered by any more Dark soldiers that have been sent to find us.

Suddenly, his eyes flashed with a blinding brilliance, making Sin blink rapidly for the sudden pain in his head, as if he’d been staring too long directly into the sun.

He realized in that moment that Goya had been holding back. The Tiger King could have used his powers to induce Sin to do as he wished. He was the fucking King of Beasts, after all.

But he hadn’t.

This flare just now was merely a demonstration of what he could do if he wanted. He was allowing Sin the freedom, for the time being, to make his own decisions.

But there was still a limit.

Do not test me, cub. You will not like the consequences.

Once the stabbing pain in his head subsided, Sin stared back into those steady, icy blue eyes and realized that, much as it chafed him, it would be the height of stupidity to gainsay the Tiger King.

Besides his powerful physicality and hard-won experience, and regardless of his Gift, he was a King of Beasts. As such, as the King of earth in particular, he commanded all Beasts of earth. It wasn’t that he made them obey, even though he could, but that they simply wanted to follow his lead.

So, Sin stopped fighting for once and did as he was told.

He opened his jaws and let the lion go.

The wounded Beast immediately swiped his claw across Sin’s face, tearing a couple of bloody streaks.

Sin roared and hit back twice as hard, making the lion stagger off his feet, and even when he stood again, he wobbled, shaking his head from dizziness.


The Tiger King’s quiet command boomed through both of them like a shockwave, stilling their limbs.

Bring your hunter and the human boy. That appears all that’s left of your motley crew.

Sin looked around.

It was true. The horses had bolted at some point, and the white fox was nowhere in sight. Good riddance.

He shifted to man, leaned down and hefted Zai’s still unconscious body into his arms. This was becoming a bit of a habit, his carrying the Dark One around. If Zai had been awake, he’d insist on making his own way even if he had to scrabble along by his fingernails.

Well, tough. He was Sin’s now.

Sin’s to take care of and protect. And if he wanted to carry the Hunter around like a damsel in distress, he would fucking do it.

Sin smirked at the thought.

Unconscious Zai was a docile Zai. He’d enjoy this while it lasted. Even though he already wished for stubborn Zai to challenge him when he awoke.

He loved how the Hunter fought him. It incited all of Sin’s passions, be they tender or violent.

But first thing’s first.