"But they"re your family!" said Sybil.

"They"ll heal soon enough, believe me!"

"Detritus, don"t shoot unless you have to," Vimes ordered, as they headed towards the drawbridge.

"He has to now," said Angua. "Sooner or later Wolfgang will leap, and the others will take - "

"There"s something you ought to know, sir," said Cheery. "You really ought to know it, sir. It"s really important."

Vimes looked across the drawbridge. Figures massed in the dark: Torchlight glinted off armour and weaponry, blocking the way.

"Well, things couldn"t get any worse," he said.

"Oh, they could if there were snakes on here with us," said Lady Sybil.

Carrot turned at the sound of Vimes"s snort of laughter.


"Oh, nothing, captain. Keep your eyes on the bastards, will you? We can deal with the soldiers later."

"Just say the word, sir," said Detritus.

"You arrre trrapped now," snarled the Baroness. "Watchman! Do yourr duty!"

A figure was walking across the bridge, carrying a torch. Captain Tantony reached Vimes and glared at him.

"Stand aside, sir," he said. "Stand aside, or by gods, ambassador or not, I"ll arrest you!"

Their eyes met. Then Vimes looked away.

"Let"s let him through," he said. "The man"s decided he"s got a duty to do."

Tantony nodded slightly and then marched on across the bridge until he was a few feet from the Baroness. He saluted.

"Take these people away!" she said.

"Lady Serafine von Uberwald?" said Tantony woodenly.

"You know who I am, man!"

"I wish to talk to you concerning certain charges made in my presence."

Vimes closed his eyes. Oh, you poor dumb idiot... I didn"t mean you to actually

"You what?" said the Baroness.

"It has been alleged, my lady, that a member or members of your family have been involved in a conspiracy to - "

"How darrre you!" screamed Serafine.

And Wolfgang leapt, and the future became a series of flickering images.

In mid-air he changed into a wolf.

Vimes grabbed the bottom of Detritus"s bow and forced it upwards at the same time as the troll pulled the trigger.

Carrot was running before Wolfgang landed on Captain Tantony"s chest.