And then, voices from her shadow.

'... Because of you, some died who may have lived...'

The words lashed at her, leaving livid lines across her mind.

'Some lived who surely would have died,' she said.

The dark pulled at her sleeves.

'... you killed...'

'No. I showed the way.'

'... hah! That's just words...'

'Words is important,' Granny whispered into the night.

... you took the right to judge others...'

'I took the duty. I'll own up to it.'

'... I know every evil thought you've ever had...'

'I know.'

'... the ones you'd never dare tell anyone...'

'I know.'

'... all the little secrets, never to be told...'

'I know.'

'... how often you longed to embrace the dark...'


'... such strength you could have...'


'... embrace the dark...'


'... give in to me...'


'... Lilith Weatherwax did. Alison Weatherwax did...'

'That's never been proved!'

'... give in to me...'

'No. I know you. I've always known you. The Count just let you out to torment me, but I've always known you were there. I've fought you every day of my life and you'll get no victory now.'

She opened her eyes and stared into the blackness.