Page 1 of Roar Deal



The cardboard box thumped heavily against Lexi’s chest as she tried to hurry down the stairs. The bottom flaps felt like they were about to split open, and the last thing she wanted was to spill junk all over the stairwell that she’d have to pick up.

The contents rattled ominously as she hit the landing and the last flight of stairs. Gingerly, she gripped the box a little tighter, balancing it against her belly in an effort to keep it in one piece.

The contents clashed together again, and Lexi cursed under her breath. She didn’t give a damn about what was inside … the stuff could shatter on the pavement for all she cared. All Lexi wanted was for the flimsy cardboard fibers to hold together for another five seconds.

As she reached the sidewalk where she’d posted two sheets of paper reading YARD SALE, she breathed a sigh of relief, putting the box down with a bunch of others she’d carted out over an hour ago. She’d never realized just how high up three stories were until she had to run up and down the stairs three times.

She brushed a strand of blonde hair from her forehead and looked up at the sky. It was just turning to late afternoon, the streaks of clouds tinting pale pink and bright orange. It was warm with a cool, teasing wind that lifted her hair off the back of her sweaty neck.

A gorgeous evening in Cincinnati. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to share it with?

Lexi pushed the thought away, stepping back to check that she’d brought down all the boxes. There was a lot of old junk but also some brand-new things, including an expensive computer monitor, keyboard, and gaming console. One box was completely overflowing with beautiful, expensive clothes.

A small crowd had gathered, and they were already picking through the bounty like raccoons at the aftermath of a pizza party. The sight of so many people pawing through the junk gave her a sense of achievement. She’d feel so much better once she got rid of this crap.

“Hey, lady?” a guy called.

Lexi hurried over to the man, who was looking through the clothes. “Yeah? You see something you like?”

“This jacket, what do you want for it?”

The coat jacket was a one-of-a-kind item, handmade and adjusted to fit. The fabric was incredibly smooth and lovely to touch, so luxurious that it screamed money and class all the way across the room.

“Twenty bucks,” she said.

The guy’s eyes widened. He held it up to himself, then tried it on. Even though it had been adjusted for someone else, it fit the young guy well enough.

“Okay,” the guy said, hesitantly reaching into his jeans pocket. He patted the jacket again as if making sure it was real. He seemed genuinely upset that such a fine garment had been hurled into a box and crushed out of shape.

“Cool, thank you,” Lexi said, taking the money. She knew damn well the jacket was worth over a thousand dollars.

“How much for this, please?” A woman held up an old iPad, waving for Lexi to come over.

“You can have it for fifty. But did you notice there’s a newer one in there too? Takebothfor fifty.”

The woman looked at the iPad in her hand, then at the newer one, Lexi pulled out.

“Okay,” she said, using almost the exact tone of voice that the young guy had. Lexi grinned. She hoped all the people buying things just considered it their lucky day and didn’t bother to question her business sense.

I’m going to make a lot of people happy today.

“Hey, miss!” an older guy called out, beckoning her over. “I’ll give you a hundred for this bundle here.”

Lexi hurried over to the guy, looking the stuff over. She grinned. It was the gaming console, a few controllers, and a monitor. It was easily worth a few thousand.

“Sold!” she announced, taking the money. The guy gathered up the goods and hurried down the street as if he thought Lexi might change her mind.

She hurried over to a young girl waving a set of headphones, offloading them for a measly five bucks. She then sold a stack of classic DVDs for two dollars. Lexi was really beginning to enjoy herself when she noticed a slight woman with very pale hair bending over to peek in one of the boxes.

The woman wore a very neat black suit with stylish red heels. The hint of silver jewelry and elegant shades made her stand out from the crowd.

Got lost, maybe? Or she’s one of those rich gals who just love a flea market.

Lexi went back to selling, happily getting rid of more items. When the small woman suddenly appeared beside her, Lexi jumped, barely holding in a shriek.