Page 14 of Roar Deal

Lexi grinned at Trull’s use of the wordfabulous. It was obvious that Trull wanted to use as much Earth slang as possible. Even Lexi had to admit that the dresswasfabulous.

It was a snug-fitting black dress made out of a stretchy but shiny fabric she wasn’t familiar with. It wasn’t like anything she’d ever seen on Earth. The gown had no sleeves and a simple sweetheart neckline that framed her breasts beautifully, showing them off without plunging too deep.

Lexi marveled at the design, some intuitive type of fabric that molded itself to her, supported and lifted her breasts without the need of a bra. It wasn’t constricting at all and allowed for a decent amount of bust bounce when she walked while still keeping her ample breasts in check.

Trull moved to a nearby chest and pulled out a beautiful lace garment. When she held it up, Lexi saw it was designed a little like a robe but far more elegant. When Trull carefully fitted it over the short dress, Lexi actually sighed with pleasure as she looked at herself in the mirror. This was the kind of outfit she’d covered in her articles. The kind of thing she’d love to wear but never had the courage.

“I’m still not sure,” Lexi said softly. Trull stood up, patting Lexi’s shoulders and looking over her shoulder.

“Not sure about what? You look gorgeous.”

“Yes, but it’s so … sexy. Is this really what Rao expects me to wear?”

“Hello, hello,” a voice called from the door. There was a firm rap accompanying the voice, and Lexi turned to see Gerri making her way into the room.

“Oh, Lexi!” Gerri exclaimed. “You look amazing. Rao will love it.”

Lexi frowned, her anger rising. “Did he pick this outfit?” she demanded.

Trull shook her head. “No. It’s one of many in the closet. Seriously, though, Rao will love it.”

“Hold up,” Lexi said, folding her arms across her chest. “Why am I trying to impress Rao? It’s not really important to me if he loves it or not. Hasn't it already been proclaimed that we are mates? Trull had let that slip as she got me dressed, and I could only assume that she heard it from Rao. I’m sick of trying so hard and then getting nothing out of it. I should go in sweats.”

Gerri laughed softly. “He’d still love it, I promise you.”

Lexi glared at Gerri. She wasn’t trying to be spiteful, but she was nervous.

“Come on, my dear girl,” Gerri said, reaching out to give Lexi a squeeze. She turned her around and got her looking into the mirror again.

“Isn’t it a tremendous amount of fun to get dolled up, go out for a nice evening, and see a man go completely bonkers over your beauty? I mean, his tongue is literally going to roll out of his mouth. Look at yourself, sweetheart.”

Lexi blushed, her nerves easing as she thought about Gerri’s words. She did like the way she looked. The gown made her feel very pampered and truly gorgeous as if she deserved to hold her head high.

“I’m not used to this,” Lexi said. “I’m not used to being pampered. It feels weird. Overdone. I’ve never been treated like this, not once in my dating past.”

Gerri gripped Lexi’s shoulders, watching her reflection from behind her. “This is not your past. I thought you were supposed to leave all that baggage back on Earth. You were only allowed one carry-on, remember?”

Lexi laughed softly. “Yes, thank you. Some baggage is not so easy to put down, you know.”

“I do know. But for heaven’s sake, Lexi. If you can just accept the spoiling Rao wants to give you, then you can have a really good time for the next four weeks. Or are you really incapable of having a good time?”

Lexi shook her head, smiling. “You have a way with words, Gerri. Everything seems so simple when it comes out of your mouth.”

“That’s great, but are you even listening?”

“Yes, I am,” Lexi said. “I’m not used to just letting go and enjoying the moment. This is all new to me. I’ll try to relax and enjoy it.”

“That’s my girl,” Gerri said, rubbing her shoulders. “I’ll be around.” Gerri waggled a finger at Lexi, frowning at her in mock consternation. “I could pop my head in at any time,” she warned. “So, I'll call you out if you aren’t having a great time.”

“Okay,” Lexi said, laughing. Gerri left, and Trull stepped up behind her again, smoothing Lexi’s braided blonde hair.

“You really do look beautiful,” she said.

“Thank you,” Lexi said, still not quite believing she was looking at herself.

“Rao wanted to meet you in the banquet hall,” Trull said. “Did you want me to walk you there?”

“No, I’ll be fine. Just tell me how to get there.”