Page 16 of Roar Deal

Rao smiled faintly, amused. He would not be diverted, though. “I am really asking you, Lexi. I think it’s prudent if we find out from the beginning what we really like.”

Lexi had to admit, that made a lot of sense. It was her turn for a heavy sigh. “Okay. It’s very difficult to tell anyone what I really want because I know it’s a fantasy. But I’d like to find a man who is good-hearted with truly genuine intentions. Someone honest and vulnerable. I want him to look after me and show me affection, but without smothering me.”

Lexi shrugged and took a bite of food. “You see? I want a man who does not exist.”

Rao laughed softly. “What do you mean? I’m right here.”

Lexi laughed, too, but she wasn’t sure how to take his comment.Maybe I really should make an effort to get to know him, even if it is just to find out if that is true.

When they had finished the second course, Rao asked her if she’d like to dance.

“Oh, no,” Lexi replied. “I don’t.”

“Is it the music?” he asked. “We can change it.”

“No, please don’t,” Lexi said. “It’s wonderful.”

“Then dance with me,” Rao said, standing and holding out his hand. Lexi stared at it for a few seconds. She didn’t want to leave him dangling, so she gently took his hand and stood, letting him lead her a short distance from the table.

He swept an arm around her, gently cupping her waist. Lexi linked her fingers with his and looked into Rao’s eyes. He smiled at her, one of those sweet, genuine smiles that lit up his entire being, not just his face.

They struggled a little at first, bumping knees and almost stepping on each other’s toes. After a few adjustments and apologies, they began to sway together in perfect harmony.

Lexi felt lulled by the rhythm. There was definitely some kind of magic in the air. She could feel it tickling her skin and thrilling her to the bone. Her blood seemed to sing in time with the music as if all her body wanted to do was move in sync with Rao’s from now until eternity.

She slid just a little closer to him, the heat between them intensifying as their bodies almost touched. A shudder ran through her, something so powerful it seemed to set her nerves on fire. She turned her face up to Rao, helpless to fight the growing magnetism between them.

Rao bent his head down, his hands tightening on her just a little. Lexi closed her eyes, relaxing into the moment. She was caught. Rao’s lips met hers with a fiery shock. As his mouth pressed against hers, he became more insistent, his hands tightening a little on her waist.

Lexi let out a tiny cry of pleasure as she leaned forward, begging for more. Waves of desire were flooding through her, and she gave herself up to the moment.



Rao felt like his soul was screaming with triumph as he held Lexi close, his lips gently exploring her warm mouth. When she pressed herself against him and opened even more, waves of satisfaction flowed through him, making his breath short and his skin tingle.

Touching her, kissing her, it was pleasure itself. Rao had never felt anything like this. The fact that she was enjoying the kiss just as much as he was sent his excitement shooting up to a whole new level.

He kept his hands loosely on her waist, fully conscious of himself at all times. He wanted her to feel respected and safe. From the way she was running her hands over his body and sliding herself against him, he figured he was doing a very good job.

Their lips broke apart, just briefly, as they both took a quick breath. Rao smiled, looking down into her beautiful, pale green eyes as he bent down to kiss her again.

Suddenly, in a split second, everything changed. Her expression changed to one of complete shock. Her eyes widened, and shudders ran through her, making her body stiffen in his arms.

Lexi stepped back, throwing his hands off her. Then, to his astonishment, she turned and ran. He heard her heels clicking on the stone as she took off down the stairs,

“What the hell did I do?” he muttered to himself. It took a moment to catch up with events, but he realized the band had faltered, even though they were still trying to play, and the servers were milling anxiously, not knowing what to do.

“What happened?” he snapped at one of the servers. “What did I do wrong?”

The server’s face paled. He gulped. “His excellency was a most gracious host,” the young man answered.

“Yes, I get that, but … oh, never mind!” Rao turned from the boy and looked at the band.

“Did you see anything?” he demanded of the harp player. “Can you think of a single reason why she would run away from me?”

“No, sir,” the woman answered. She looked apologetic, and it made him feel slightly ill.