Page 22 of Roar Deal

Trull giggled.

“What now?” Lexi asked, exasperated. “How have I displayed my limited knowledge this time?”

“They know who you are,” Trull laughed. “I’m sure the boutique owners are having one of everything packaged and sent to the castle right now.”

“What?” Lexi asked, amazed. “Even the constellation dress?”

Trull nodded, grinning around her straw.

“Wow. I’m getting treated like a queen already, huh?”

“Well,” Trull said. “It’s not that, exactly. It’s just that everyone wants to see King Rao happy. There’s always quite a buzz when Gerri’s around, you see. Lots of people are hoping it will work out. Also, the boutique will charge the castle an exorbitant fee, which the king will pay without blinking, and the designers will be hoping you wear their creation when he takes you out.”

“Hmm,” Lexi said. “That does sound like good business sense.”

They sat quietly for a few minutes, enjoying cool drinks and cookies. Trull finally frowned and sat forward, almost whispering. “What did happen last night? I can’t imagine King Rao doing anything untoward.”

“No, he didn’t,” Lexi said. “I had a great time. I just felt a bit overwhelmed.”

“Apparently, you ruined a fabulous fireworks display. The boys had been putting it together all day.”

“This is exactly what I’m talking about!” Lexi said. “He’s coming on too strong. If we’d been together for years and were comfortable with each other, then it would be amazing. But we barely know each other”

“So … you can’t get to know him in that setting?”

“No,” Lexi said. “I’m distracted by all the bells and whistles. I feel like it’s all show and no substance. Too many times, I’ve had guys dazzle me this way. They promise that they’ll let me in, but then they never do.”

“You know it’s different with Rao, right? Because of the fated mates deal?”

“So, everyone keeps telling me,” Lexi muttered. She'd heard it from Gerri and then Trull. She suspected that Rao was encouraging the conversations. “But I’m not even sure what that means. I’m just not there with him yet. I can’t pretend to feel intimacy. I need time, and it feels like he’s trying too hard.”

Trull shrugged. “Men have lots of ways of roaring to attract a mate. Why don’t you cut him some slack? Try to take it as a compliment.”

Lexi opened her mouth to protest, but she remembered what Gerri had said about leaving her baggage behind. And about just having a good time.I should be able to do that, no matter how I feel about Rao.

“See, there you go. Thinking too hard again,” Trull said, laughing.

“Hmm. Maybe not hard enough.”

“He’s really not like the others, Lexi. He’s not a man at all. He’s a lion, full of raw power and emotion. He was raised in a castle. He doesn’t know any other way to woo you.”

“So, an ordinary Nova Aurora girl would be loving it?”

“She’d be most honored and overjoyed,” Trull said, putting a hand over her heart. Lexi realized she might well be letting sisters all over the galaxy down with her inability to accept being spoiled by an impossibly hot, rich man who adored her.

Even after I do freaky shit like running away after our first kiss.

It had been an incredible kiss too. Lexi hadn’t been able to forget it. She could feel her body warming just thinking about it and where it might have led if she had been a bit more trusting.

“Okay,” Lexi said. “I’m feeling a bit more daring now. How about you show me some Nova Aurora lingerie.”

“Oh,” Trull sat up, clapping her hands excitedly. “I can’t wait. Let’s go!”

“I’m betting it doesn’t ride up the butt,” Lexi joked. Trull grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Only if you want it to,” Trull shot back, making Lexi laugh even harder.