Page 25 of Roar Deal

Rao’s heart was beating inside his chest like an angry drum. The moment Lexi began to stroke his cock with her foot, he raised a hand in the air and looked around for their server. “Ticket, please,” he said aloud.

Lexi giggled, then slowly took her foot from his crotch and slipped it back into her heel. She sat up straight and adjusted her dress before their server returned, looking a little flushed.

Rao was rushed with lust and couldn’t believe a woman that striking actually wanted to be with him. Even for sex. But he was willing to do anything to give her pleasure, and that was exactly what he was planning to do.

He quickly paid for the meal, giving their server a generous tip. He then took Lexi by the hand and led her into the hotel area, where they booked a room. He felt his manhood stretching against his pants. The heat from having Lexi stand so close to him, her scent of lilacs and fresh dew, was enough to make him convulse with desire.

“King Rao, your royal suite is ready.”

Rao barely thanked the hotel employee when he took Lexi by the hand and led her to the lift. It wasn’t that he was desperate for sex. He could really get that anywhere as leader of the Shadow Rock Pride. It was that he wanted Lexi so deeply, in so many ways, that transcended the physical act of sex in itself.

He also thought that if he showed her how much she deserved pleasure, she could let go of some of her bad experiences with the men on Earth and start fresh with him.

When the lift’s door closed, Lexi squeezed Rao’s hand. He looked down at her, and she gazed up at him at the exact same time.

“I want you so bad,” she purred.



Lexi had tunnel vision when Rao whisked her away to dinner. It mattered to her that he had considered how she felt, taking her away from a sullen play to dine at a luxurious restaurant. She was also fueled by Gerri and Trull’s advice, which was to let go of the past regrets of crappy men and let herself explore.

Exploration included sex, which was what Lexi wanted more than anything from Rao.

He had been super kind to her and had turned down the notch on the Romeo bit. Though she was certainly a woman who enjoyed the romance, the fact that he was bending over backward to make her happy meant that she wasn’t just anyone to him.

At least, she was hoping, but at the moment that she leaned forward and felt his hardness beneath her foot, she could only think of one thing.

Lexi’s body was filled with desire when they arrived at the royal suite. Like the restaurant, the room looked over a sublime gorge, with sparkles of stars overhead to finalize the ethereal aesthetics of the establishment.

Lexi felt brave and bold, which made her feel astronomically sexy. Looking at Rao and the way he was laying out towels on the bed made her hot core even wetter than it already was.

A member of the resort staff started a fire in the stone fireplace at the center of the room while another brought in champagne and chocolate-covered strawberries. Lexi stood next to the bed with one hand on her hip, watching Rao as he rushed to the bathroom. The servers left, sealing the door shut and sending a shiver of excitement up Lexi’s spine.

Rao emerged from the bathroom with his dinner jacket removed, and his dress shirt's sleeves rolled up. In his hand was a small bottle of massage oil. He held it delicately in his strong hands, the mere sight of him willing to satisfy her making her knees weak.

“Would you like a massage?” he asked, eyes bright and even a bit feral.

All Lexi wanted was his hands on her in whatever capacity that could entail. She nodded, then sat on the edge of the bed. She could feel her heart beating in her chest so hard and loud that it rang through her ears.

No man on Earth had ever made her this nervous and aroused. Her attraction to Rao was palpable and undeniable. She wanted to give in to him on that night, no matter what their future held, because their bodies were like magnets for one another. There was no point in denying it anymore.

Plus, she refused to go through her life settling for mediocre sex.

Rao walked over to the bed and sat next to her. He poured out some of the massage oil into his hands and, gingerly and with great anxiety, asked her to turn her back to face him.

She did as he asked, feeling his apprehension, but forgot all about it the moment his hands sunk into her skin.

“Oh, Rao.”

It was a knee-jerk reaction that came out like a sexy whimper. He began kneading her shoulders lightly at first, but when she pressed her back into him and let out a few more groans, he pressed harder, really getting into a few tense spots that Lexi hadn’t even realized were present.

She felt like putty in his hands as her nerves began to vanish. All that was left was a calm comfort and an aroused urgency to feel his hands all over her.

Lexi reached around her neck and untied the portion of the ball gown that helped her breasts achieve their maximum cleavage potential. She let the thin fabric fall into the valley of her breasts and then reached for the zipper at the back.

“Can you unzip me?”