Page 40 of Roar Deal

I love him.

Gerri smiled as if she could hear Lexi’s thoughts. “You’re worried you might want to stay. That you’ll give up your old life for a man. The idea is so scary that you’re using a big crab

monster as the perfect excuse to leave here and never come back.”

“Gerri,” Lexi said, her voice wavering. “This planet isn’t safe. I’m not being unreasonable. I can’t live here if I’m going to be in fear of my life every day. I wouldn’t be able to go anywhere because there is danger lurking around every corner.”

Lexi shook her head, amazed that she had to explain this to someone smart like Gerri. The trouble was Gerri was giving her the same look.

“I could go into a detailed account of the basic lifeforms on this planet, the percentage of how many are dangerous, then compare it to Earth, but I don’t think it would convince you,” Gerri said. “I can assure you, though, that Nova Aurora has far fewer deadly creatures than Earth does.”

“Really?” Lexi asked, interested. She would have liked to look up the evidence for herself but was afraid of seeing what else might live on Nova Aurora.

“I am sure that this crab thing is a very rare occurrence. Even so, if you stay, you’ll be the wife of the king. That means you’ll have a security detail with you everywhere you go.”

“Comforting,” Lexi muttered. “If it’s so safe, why do I even need one?”

“Precaution, of course,” Gerri answered.

Lexi muttered under her breath. She knew that Gerri was making a scary kind of sense. Lexi was looking inward and not liking the fact that Gerri could be close to the mark.

She supposed it would be a good idea to learn a bit more about Nova Aurora. Even though she was worried about what she might find out, a little research would tell her if the giant crabs were common or not. If Gerri said Earth was more dangerous, it probably was.

Lexi wondered again where Gerri was from. Now simply wasn’t the time to ask. She was still worried about the need for her own security detail if she became the king’s wife. If they were going to give her constant protection, there had to be a reason why.

Lexi tapped her fingers on the edge of her cup, thinking. Gerri was right. These reasons were all bullshit, and she knew it. What she was truly afraid of was Rao.

I’ve never felt anything like the connection I have with him.

“Lexi,” Gerri said, “think carefully about this. I know you’re scared right now for so many reasons. You have a right to be. But what is the alternative?”

Lexi’s mind went blank. She took a sip of coffee, shaking her head.

“Do you want to go back to Earth, a place where you have no job, nowhere to go, where your stuff is in storage, and a black mark against your name for unpaid rent? Don’t get me wrong, I can help you out, but it will be a mess to get back on your feet.”

Lexi nodded, thinking. These were all problems that could be solved, but Lexi had gotten addicted to living in a castle. The wide, sweeping halls, massive, high-ceilinged rooms, and her luxurious suite. She didn’t want to give it up.

“Do you really want to go back to the Earth’s dating pool?” Gerri said. “Back to losers and jerks that don’t appreciate you. Lexi, darling. Here, you have a hot, rich shifter man who is head over heels for you. He’d do anything … and I do meananything… for you.”

Lexi looked down into her coffee cup again, sniffing and nodding. Gerri was making a hell of a lot of sense. “I suppose, when you put it like that, giant crabs aren’t really as bad as Chester,” Lexi sniffed.

Gerri chuckled, wrapping an arm around Lexi and giving her a firm squeeze. “That’s the spirit,” Gerri said, laughing. “Are you really that scared of dangerous creatures here? You were staying on Nova Aurora for some time before anything happened.”

“That’s true,” Lexi said. “Look, I am really scared of the crab thing, okay? This isn’t all a fear of intimacy or losing my independence. I’ve never seen anything like that before. You watch things in movies, and you point and laugh. You say, if that happened to me, I’d be smart, I’d be the hero.”

Lexi shook her head. “But I wasn’t. I just freaked the fuck out. I was so terrified that I couldn’t even process what was happening.”

“But Rao was your hero,” Gerri said. “Rao kept you safe. I promise you, Lexi. He will keep you from harm every day for the rest of your life.”

“I like the sound of that,” Lexi said, nodding. She put her cup back on the breakfast tray, finally looking up and around the room. It seemed too dark, too cold. Lexi wondered if she had the courage to open the balcony doors.

“I will send you some files,” Gerri said. “If you’re interested. Just so you can see what kind of animals live here. Some of them are incredibly beautiful. Not many are dangerous. You can do a bit of independent research … or you can get Rao to tell you all about it on your next date.”

Lexi grinned. “Nice way to drop a hint, Gerri.”

Gerri chuckled. “Well. You are going on another date with him, aren’t you?”

Lexi nodded, grinning. “Yes. Yes, I am. Thank you, Gerri.”