Page 43 of Roar Deal

Rao roared in pain, staggering now. Jagi circled him, a deep, smoldering fire burning in his eyes. He was coming in for the kill this time.

Jagi came at him, and Rao stood firm. He heard Lexi scream, but he stood fast.

You want to kill me, brother? Then go ahead.

Jagi landed on top of Rao with a horrifying shriek and pinned him to the floor. Jagi roared in his brother’s face, showing off his long, sharp fangs and digging his claws into Rao’s chest.

Rao remained still under him, looking into Jagi’s eyes steadily. He wouldn’t fight. He was not here to hurt his brother.

Rao’s body shifted back to human form as the pain became too much. He stayed placid under Jagi, looking right into his deep green eyes.

“Why won’t you fight me?” screamed Jagi as he shifted back to human form. He kept his knees on Rao’s chest, not letting him up.

“Why won’t you kill me, brother?” Rao asked.

“Because I gave up everything to save you, you fucking bastard!” Jagi yelled. He drew back one fist and punched Rao hard across the face.

“Go on,” Rao said. “Get it out, get it all out. I deserve it. I treated you terribly.”

“Fuck you!” Jagi yelled, struggling away from Rao. “How dare you come here now! How dare you!”

“I’m sorry, brother,” Rao said, holding his arms wide, palms out in surrender. “I really am sorry.”

Jagi stood there for a full minute, his chest heaving with fear and rage. He let out a horrible, strangled sob, then took one step toward Rao. Even though it looked threatening, Rao didn’t move. He was ready for anything. Even though he already had some nasty wounds, he’d happily let his brother smash his face in a little more.

Anything that will make him feel better.

Jagi hurried toward Rao, but he didn’t attack. Instead, he fell against his brother, clutching his shoulders and breaking down.

“I missed you,” Jagi cried.

Rao wrapped his arms around his brother and squeezed him hard. “I missed you beyond words.”

They held each other for a few seconds, both fighting their emotions. The inner battle was far harder than the one they’d been having with each other moments ago.

When Rao stepped back, he saw his brother’s eyes had cleared, and he had a small but warm smile on his face.

“Sorry, I messed you up,” Jagi said, laughing.

“That’s okay. I’ll need to borrow your shower and wardrobe, though.”

Jagi laughed even harder. “You got it … bro.”

Rao leaned over and put an arm around Jagi, slapping him on the shoulder as he pulled him away from the mat. “Come on over and meet my mate,” Rao said.

“Your mate?” Jagi echoed, his eyes wide. Lexi stood and walked over, eyeing the boys' sweaty, bloody hands with some hesitation.

“I won’t ask you to shake,” Jagi said. “But I am very pleased to meet you … ah?”

“Lexi,” she said. “Lexi Stallone. It’s good to meet you too, Jagi.”

Jagi nodded, taking a step away from Rao to grab some towels. Lexi looked up at Rao with concern.

“Are you boys all right? Both of you have blood everywhere.”

“Shifter metabolism will take care of it,” Rao said. “It looks bad, but we’ll heal. I’m sorry if it was a bit rough for you.”

“A little,” Lexi said, smiling. “But I’m glad I saw it. I’m so impressed by the way you handled yourself, Rao. You truly have a good heart. I believe … no, I know you’re a man who can really, truly love me.”