Page 59 of Roar Deal

Riley, of course, knew about the pregnancy before anyone else. She gave Lexi a sweet wink when they embraced that evening, which told Lexi everything she needed to know.

“Looks like a crisp night,” Jagi said.

The brother was a smaller version of Rao but sported the same sarcastic sense of humor, as well as their beaming, emerald-green eyes. Rao embraced him close every time he interacted with his brother. It was both amusing and beautiful to see him want to hold on and never want to let go.

“You’re about to break my bones, brother,” Jagi said mid-hug.

Riley, Trull, and Kinn were sitting on a big blanket on the purple-shaded grass that was starting to look black as the sun fell below the horizon. They all chuckled as Jagi made his remark, and Rao reluctantly let him go.

“I’m sorry, brother,” Rao said with a grin. “But also, not particularly.”

Rao had insisted that Riley and Kinn were off duty for the night and set out the basket of food their chefs had already made for them. They naturally fell into their usual patterns, though, gathering a plate of food for both Rao and Lexi before getting their own.

Rao raised an eyebrow at Kinn as he made a plate for him. “If you don’t eat your own meal,” Rao said with a mocking intensity. “I think I’m going to fire you.”

Kinn rolled his eyes, then placed the plate down. “As if you could live without me, son,” he said smiling.

They spoke about the goings-on of the pride, the changing weather patterns, and the presence of monster crabs near the coastline. Rao wanted to find a way to divert them from the shoreline, where Jagi thought maybe dispensing with them entirely would be more fruitful.

“I bet they taste good with butter,” Jagi joked, moving his eyebrows up and down fast.

Everyone’s laughter cascaded through the mountains. Lexi watched with love and adoration as everyone got along. Rao had let go of his resentment for his brother, and Jagi had let go of the pain from the terrible decision he had to make. The loss would live inside them forever, but it no longer held back the growth of their relationship.

Rao had his hand on Lexi’s body the entire evening. Whether it was a hand, a leg, or a cheek, it felt wonderful to have his skin touching hers, no matter where it seemed to land.

Lexi had planned on telling everything after everyone had eaten. Rao brought champagne for those who could drink, and he would bust it out at the moment that everyone was celebrating.

She waited until everyone was satiated, and they were watching as the sun’s last glow dissipated. She breathed deeply, then leaned against Rao as she spoke during a very rare silence.

“So I have an announcement to make,” Lexi said.

“You’re pregnant?” Jagi said abruptly.

Everyone gave Jagi a scornful, cutting look, mixed with amused confusion. Jagi held his hands in the air and began laughing.

“Wow! No one can take a joke around these parts, can they.”

Riley playfully pushed at Jagi’s shoulder. “That is an awful joke to make to a woman, Earth woman or not,” Riley said.

That was when Lexi and Rao looked at each other, that infinite spark between them saying more than any words ever could.

“Well …” Lexi said.

That was when Jagi’s eyes went wide, Kinn’s mouth dropped open, and Trull shot up from her sitting position and nearly launched herself into Lexi’s arms.

“You’re pregnant!” Trull squealed.

Riley clapped her hands together while Kinn looked astonished, smiling as he realized his partner had kept the secret all along.

“Okay, take it easy, Trull!” Rao said, laughing as he pulled Trull off of Lexi.

“I can’t believe it!” she whispered-screamed. “I’m going to be an aunt!”

Lexi giggled as she sat up from nearly being shoved to the ground. She was ecstatic, her new family’s excitement was contagious, and it was everything she knew she was ever going to need.

Rao pulled her into his arms as everyone hugged and laughed and opened champagne. The stars had crept from the darkness, and Rao kissed Lexi’s cheek. It was warm and delightful.

“All the universes,” he whispered.

“Every single one,” Lexi whispered back.

The End

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