Page 11 of A Curl of his Tail

Or whenever they were meeting.

Jade’s business card was burning a hole in his pocket.

He slowly took it out and stared at it as he took a deep pull from his beer. The card was clearly one the bank had commissioned for her, but Jade had added her personal cell phone number on the back of the card.

He grabbed his phone, but his fingers hovered over the screen instead of calling her to set up their first planning meeting.

This felt like a whole lot of trouble was starting.

With a sigh, Parker typed up a text and sent it off. He slid the device back into his pocket, but after checking it for the tenth time, he decided to leave it on the small table on the deck. It gave him a clear view of the screen.

Sure enough, when Jade responded a little while later, his heart thumped loudly in his chest.

You’re gonna lose your head over her? Really?He chided himself as he read her reply.

Jade: You can meet me at Moony’s at eight tomorrow morning.

We’ve got a few things to do in Half Moon Key before we head out of town.

Eight a.m.? That was almost eighteen hours away … How the fuck was he supposed to keep calm and busy until then?

* * *

Parker stoodon the sidewalk just outside of Moony’s. From what he could see in the window, the place was packed with the breakfast rush. Every table was taken, and there was even a short waiting list for a table.

He took a deep breath and pushed through the door. The little bell rang out, announcing his arrival. As if the entire town only had one mind, everyone turned to look at him. There were immediate whispers about who he was and what he was doing in town.

The only reason he could hear it all so clearly was his shifter hearing. If he could turn that off for a moment, he wouldn’t mind so much. It made getting to know people a little awkward if he heard them saying he had a nice ass and an impressive bulge in the crotch area of his shorts …

He kept his sunglasses on until he slid into the booth where Jade was sitting. She didn’t see him walk in, nor did she look up when he sat down across from her. Her head was bowed over a thick blue binder. She was scribbling away furiously, clearly making a list of things that had to be done.

Parker grinned as he watched her work for a few seconds. “You could do this all by yourself,” he finally said to break the silence.

She gasped, looked up, and then blinked at him. Every flash of those green eyes of hers did something funny to his chest. He wouldn’t even acknowledge what was going on below the belt.

“Have you been sitting there long?” she asked.

He laughed softly. “Nope. Just sat down. It’s pretty impressive that you didn’t notice, though. You’re clearly very focused.”

“I have to be. This is one of the most important days in Half Moon Key. It’s basically the start of the summer season. My family has been planning it for years, and if I mess it up, I will never hear the end of it. You’ve met my mother, so you know how intense she is.”

“Well, seeing as she basically ditched you to get me on the planning detail, I’d say she can’t complain too much if we don’t do a perfect job.”

It was her turn to laugh. “You clearly don’t know my mother very well. I’m still surprised she isn’t here right now to eavesdrop on what we’re doing.”

“I’m sure she trusts you. You must’ve been helping her plan for a while now.”

“Oh, yeah. Basically, since I was a kid. My tasks have changed over the years, but I know how she likes things done. Actually, scratch that. I know how the townsfolk like things done.”

Parker nodded and took the binder, sliding it to his side of the table. He turned it around so he could read what she was writing. He whistled low. “Damn. This is everything we need to get done?”

She cringed. “I know, right? It’s next weekend too. It’s my fault for not being further ahead. Had I known that Mom would rope you into this, I would’ve done so much more by now.”

He arched a brow at her. “I’m sorry, it sounded like you were doubting my planning abilities there.”

“I sort of do doubt your capabilities. I have no idea who you are and what your background is. You could be a murderous drifter for all I know.”

He threw his head back, laughing. “Well, from what I’ve heard in town since yesterday afternoon, I moved here to be with you. That means you know me a little better than you might think.”