Page 37 of A Curl of his Tail

By god, she was beautiful. She managed to be stunning and adorable all at once. It was a feat of actual proportions to be this drop-dead gorgeous and sweet.

Why shouldn’t I mate her one day?

The question took him by surprise. He hadn’t expected that, but he quickly recovered by popping one of the mushroom caps into his mouth.

“Did you know this cabin was for sale?” he asked. “You could’ve bought it.”

She shook her head. “Not a chance. I like my little house on Main Street. I can walk to work in about a minute. It takes me only a few more to grab a coffee from Moony’s on my way in. But maybe one day, I’ll need more space than I have now.” She quickly took another sip as if she felt she had said too much.

She hadn’t.

If she was thinking of marriage and kids, he was already there in his mind, waiting for her.



Jade could hardly believe that the best date of her life was happening in Parker’s house. It shouldn’t have been the best night of her life by a million, but it really was.

Not only had he made her white wine sangria to ensure she didn’t get a headache, but he had made all of her favorite appetizers.

Not that he knew! Nope. Mushroom caps and bruschetta bites just so happened to be his favorite too. When he pulled out marinated and stuffed chicken for their main course, she could’ve jumped him right then and there.

The care and attention Parker put to every aspect of their evening was more dizzying than the sangria.

They sat outside on the back deck under the most impressive gazebo Jade had ever seen. The roof was made of shining brown tin to match the cabin, while the four big pillars were made of similar wood as the house. Soft and thin netting was wrapped around each pillar. Parker explained that if the mosquito population decided to plan an attack on their evening, he could untie the netting, and they would be quite at peace from the little pests.

A soft breeze made its way off the lake to scent the already fragrant air with smells from Half Moon Key … the water, the trees, and the pure, natural scenery of her childhood.

“What was it really like growing up here?” Parker asked her as he gathered the dishes of their meal onto a tray.

“It was fun. I know some people find it a little bit frustrating, but honestly, I think that’s just normal high school growing pains.”

“I’m sure if we were to walk into the high school and ask the kids there how they liked living in this small town with sketchy electricity and bad internet, they would all say they can’t wait to get out of here.”

She laughed softly. “You’re probably right. But don’t forget, these kids don’t really know anything else. For all they know, this is just how things are in the world.”

He shook his head. “Not if they watch TV or have social media.”

“I guess that’s a fair point. But if I were to choose where I would raise my kids, it would be here. Life is simple and slow here. There is an innocence in how we do things that I really do appreciate.”

“I can see that. I bet that my life would’ve turned out way different if I had been raised in a family where pressure wasn’t what replaced love.”

Jade felt her heart breaking for him a little bit. “It couldn’t have been easy, always being compared to your siblings the way you were.”

He shrugged. “As you said, I didn’t know any different. I thought all families were like that. It was only later on, when I was a little older, that I realized how messed up my parents were.”

“Umm. I can see that. For what it’s worth, people in town really think you’re fitting in well. Mrs. Francis was at Moony’s today, and she told Lila how impressed she was with you. How great it was to see you planning Beach Day. Be warned. Mrs. Francis will now tap you to plan things.”

He grinned. “I don’t think I mind. I wouldn’t want to disappoint the oldest elder.”

“Wise man,” she said with a giggle. “She’s a force of nature, that one. Sometimes I wonder if she is what keeps Half Moon Key running nice and smoothly.”

“Ha. Yeah, you gotta wonder.”

He went into the house with the tray of dirty dishes, and no matter how many times Jade offered to help with the cleanup, he refused her. His explanations ranged from silly to downright shocking.

Things like,you’re too cute to do the dishes,oryou’re wearing such a nice outfit, I wouldn’t want it to get dirty. That can come much, much later.