Page 43 of A Curl of his Tail

She shot him a smile. “They prefer the one that is sugar-based, but they still make the cream cheese one for me.”

“And now for Parker too,” Mrs. Curran sang. “Isn’t that sweet? You have the same sweet tooth!”

“We sure do,” Parker said. “We both really like mushroom caps, bruschetta bites, and chocolate cheesecake.”

Mother and daughter exchanged a significant look. Parker and Mr. Curran tried not to notice, but it was a bit hard given that the room wasn’t all that big, and the sun was shining down on all of them.

They settled around the table, and glasses of mimosa were poured for everyone. He sipped his and was pleased with the barest hint of pulp and tang. It was the perfect mimosa.

They tucked into the meal, and Parker answered the usual questions he would have to answer of a woman’s parents. It would have been a lot easier if he and Jade had actually established what they would tell her parents, but he answered the questions as best as he could, and for the rest, he let Jade take the lead.

After all, he had taken the lead in the bedroom last night. It was only fair.

“I’m actually looking at upping the security at the bank,” Parker explained. “I’m not too keen on Jade being there without any sort of backup or failsafe when the power is out. I know Half Moon Key is secluded, but if there was ever anyone out there in the big wide world who learned that there was a bank without electricity or security?” He shook his head. “No way. No amount of money is worth that kind of uncomfortable feeling.”

Mr. Curran raised his glass to him. “Thank you, Parker. I appreciate it. I never would’ve thought of that. Doesn’t that just make me a terrible father?” It was meant to be a rhetorical question, of that Parker was sure, but he couldn’t help but respond.

“Not in the least.” His entire face went red, and he wanted to stuff his face in the pan of cinnamon rolls to disappear, if only for a moment.

“What do you think the bank would need to make it safer?” Mrs. Curran asked.

“A few things, actually. I’ve already talked to Jade about it. I’m gonna set it all up as soon as I can get into the city to get what I need. I’m still shocked we can’t get things delivered here.”

Mrs. Curran smiled. “You’ll get used to it if you stick around.”

“Oh,” Parker replied. “I am sticking around.” He took Jade’s hand in his on the table for her parents to see. “I’m in this for the long haul.”

Mr. Curran nodded, pleased. “Well, I’m sure the elders will be pleased to have you on our side.” Her father completely bypassed Parker’s comment, leading right back to the bank.

“I already know that Mrs. Francis adores you,” Jade’s mom added.

“Oh, he knows. Let’s not inflate his ego.” Jade winked at him.

Had they been dating for longer, had they made things between them a bit more official, he would have told the Currans he had every intention of marrying their daughter.

But just then, he satisfied himself with kissing Jade’s hand.

He had meant what he told Mr. Curran. Parker was with Jade for the long haul.



Jade looked in the mirror and smoothed her hands down her side. Her coverup wrap was soft pink … basically her signature color … funny, given that her name was Jade. Green might not do her any favor, but pink did. It complimented her skin tone really well. She was pleased with the overall effect, but she wasn’t sure if leaving the house in her swimwear was the best idea.

For all she knew, when Parker showed up, he would be fully dressed and a little confused at her quasi-nudeness.

I am wearing a swimsuit. I am hardly nude.

Not that it would matter. There was every chance Parker would see her, throw her over his shoulder, and take her right to bed. It had happened before … on multiple occasions.

The doorbell rang, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. There was no time to change now. Parker was at the door, waiting for her. She rushed to open it and was immediately lost.

The second she saw him standing on her porch, she noticed a few things that were all a little too much for her poor heart to bear.

For one thing, he was already wearing a pair of white and green board shorts. He had matched them with a pair of soft brown leather sandals and a white linen button-down shirt that was wide open.

The soft wind blew each side a little wider, giving her a clear view of that deep V that disappeared into his pants. It also put his sculpted body on display, and she wasn’t too sure where to look.