Page 49 of A Curl of his Tail

“I’m not human like you are,” he tried again.

She narrowed her eyes at him as she turned in her seat to stare him down. “Just what in the hell do you mean?”

“I’m a shifter,” he blurted with as much speed as he could in hopes that she wouldn’t hear him and then not actually press the issue.

“Oh” was all she said for a very long time.

Parker couldn’t quite believe it, but it sure seemed like Jade already knew what shifters were. Or maybe he only thought that because she hadn’t asked for clarification.

“Jade?” he asked softly. “Did you …” He cleared his throat. “Did you hear what I said?”

“Yeah. You said you’re a shifter.”

“Right. And …”

“I know what shifters are. There are a few in Half Moon Key, so when I started working at the bank, some elders called me to the town hall for a special meeting. They told me all about shifters.”

It was his turn to frown. “And why did they feel the need to tell you about shifters if you were going to be working for the bank?”

“Because some of my tasks as bank teller are a little bit different given that I am, in fact, working in a town that has quite a few shifter residents.”

“Meaning?” he pressed. His heart was in his throat. What the hell were the elders thinking, telling a human about one of the world’s best-kept secrets?

“Well, you see, a lot of the shifters in town are rather wealthy.”

“Ah, yes.” He nodded again, finally understanding.

“To be completely honest, I never would’ve dreamed of asking around to find out why some families in Half Moon Key are so wealthy but choose to live so modestly. That is none of my business, but apparently, there are noisier tellers than me. They do it to make sure I keep quiet about what I see.”

“I guess that’s fair. Shifters do have a knack for accumulating wealth.”

“That’s because you all live a little longer and have better instincts than us mere humans.”

Unless he was losing his mind, Jade was teasing him a little bit. He chanced a few looks in her direction despite the winding road that was leading them home. “Are you telling me you’re totally okay with me being a shifter?”

She scrunched up her face. “Why wouldn’t I be okay with it? It’s not like youchoseto be a shifter. You were born like that. What kind of person would I be if I threw a shit fit because sometimes when the mood strikes you, you can shift into an animal.”

“A panther,” he clarified. “I’m a panther shifter.”

“That makes sense. I’ve always been more of a cat person.” She was looking out the window on her side of the vehicle when she delivered that line, but it shocked Parker so much that he pulled over to the side of the road and put the car inpark.

He turned in his seat, and finally, he was able to look right at her. She met his eyes, and though she did look a little angry with him, she wasn’t completely closed off to him.

That had to be a good sign, didn’t it?

“You’re really okay with me being a panther?”

“It doesn’t change much about the kind of man you are, does it? So long as you never introduce me as someone you work with, we’ll be okay. But I swear to the electricity in Half Moon Key, Parker Dawson. If you ever behave like you’re ashamed of me again, I’ll make kitty kibble out of you.”

He sorted out a laugh. “Fair enough. Is it safe to kiss you now?” he asked, leaning ever so slightly over to her side of the car.

She gave a sly smile. “Yeah, it’s safe to kiss me.”

The moment their lips met, Parker completely forgot that the entire reason they went into the city was so that he could secure the bank where his girlfriend worked. There would be time for that later. Just then, all he wanted to do was kiss his woman and be grateful she was just about the coolest chick in the whole damn world.