Page 9 of A Curl of his Tail

Parker paused, and for a second, he looked to be frozen with uncertainty. But it quickly passed, and he ran across the empty street to join them. “Is there something wrong?” he asked.

“No, no,” Mom answered. “I just had the most amazing thought!”

Jade looked up to the sky for help, but of course, help wouldn’t be coming. She caught Parker’s eyes and mouthed a subtleI’m so sorry.

He frowned, but Jade couldn’t think that would last very long.

“You should join the Beach Day planning committee.”

“Excuse me?” Parker asked, frowning deeply. He pushed his sunglasses down his nose, giving them a good view of those eyes of his. “The what, now?”

“The Beach Day planning committee. You see, it’s a Half Moon Key tradition. We always have a Beach Day celebration to really get the summer season started. My daughter and I have been planning it all by ourselves for years now. It would be so nice to have some help this year. I’m not in the best health, you see.” Mom put a hand to her forehead, as dramatic as she could be.

Jade sighed. “For heaven’s sake, Mother. You’re fine.” She reached out and tapped Parker’s arm. “Please, don’t let her rope you in like this. She’s fine.”

“Of course, I’mfine.I’m just old. It would be so fun for me to just lounge around and enjoy the day instead of running around year after year. You know, Mason Pierce is a newcomer to town. He hasn’t been here very long, but people have taken to him. He works at the diner. Moony’s. I’m sure you’ve been. It’s a staple around here.

“It’s been in business for as long as I can remember. Well, as you can imagine, people like that. He isn’t just in town, but he’s working here. He’s part of the community.” Mom continued to ramble on about the benefits of getting the folks in town to get to know him a bit better.

Parker listened as he ate his ice cream cone, but he didn’t say anything. He just let Jade’s mother go on and on. The man had to be quite patient to not lose it with her.

“As much as I would love to help, I don’t think it would be a good idea,” Parker gave Mom an apologetic smile.

“Aren’t you retired?” Mom asked.

“Mom!” Jade gasped. “You can’t go around saying things like that!”

“Why not?” Mom shrugged. “It’s what everyone in town is saying. If it isn’t true, then isn’t it up to Parker to disabuse us of these falsehoods?”

Jade pursed her lips and shook her head. “I’m so sorry, Parker. Honestly. I wish I could say that I can get her to behave, but most of the time, she’s like this.”

He chuckled. “It’s okay. I guess I should find something to do in town to limit the amount of gossiping that takes place about me and my life.”

“I think that would be a good idea, yeah. There’s plenty to do,” Jade said. “You should talk with the sheriff or Jack down at the lake. They have their fingers on the pulse in town. If anyone can help you, it would be them.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Parker nodded.

Mom watched the exchange with her jaw clenched. Jade knew she was going to be getting an earful as soon as they were alone.

“I don’t want to bethatlady,” Mom began.

“Then don’t be,” Jade mumbled. “Because starting any line like that pretty much guarantees that you are gonna bethatlady. Let the nice gentleman go about his business now, please.”

“If you help my daughter plan the Beach Day festivities, I will tell all of the mothers in town that you are not single. That should help you a bit. It would limit the number of mothers in town trying to match you with their daughters.”

Parker licked ice cream off his lips as he considered this offer. Jade wanted to keep her wits about her, but it was hard. She was melting faster than her ice cream now that she had seen Parker lick his lips.

Damn ice cream cones!Who knew that a man licking a cone would bethatsexy? Jade was shocked by her very sexual response to Parker. Maybe she should go into the city and get herself a couple of dates just to be on the safe side. Better that than a man who would probably leave Half Moon Key.

“Wait,” she cut in, her mind suddenly getting back online. “You can’t use me like that,” she told her mother, but Mom ignored her and asked Parker, “What do you say?”

“You will spread the word that I’m not available and very boring?”

“You got it,” Mom placed a hand over her heart as if she were making a promise.

Parker nodded slowly. “Fine. And just how does one plan a Beach Day?”

“The great news is that Jade is a pro at this. She’s been planning this kind of stuff since she was a kid. Have fun, you two!” Mom all but ran down the street, retreating into Wixx, where Mrs. Francis had just popped in, her orange handbag in tow.