"Yes, I am," Garion answered without missing a beat. "Are yours?"

A nervous laugh escaped her. "Of course they are!"

"I'm only asking because they look too fantastic to be real."

"Oh my God."

The billionaire only smirked, and Daisy Rae had to work really hard not to let the sexiness of it get to her. "I can't believe I'm having this kind of conversation with you. Everyone at the firm has always described you to be this reallyseriousguy—-"

"They aren't wrong."

"With the loveliest of manners—-"

The billionaire raised a brow. "You don't think it's true?"

"Are youserious?"

"We already covered that," he deadpanned.

Daisy Rae refused to let herself smile. "Staring at a woman's breasts isn't exactly polite—-"

"I beg to differ."

"Things like that aren't up for debate," she protested.

"It is when the breasts one is staring at are as incredible as yours—-"

Her arms tightened around her chest. What was incredible right now was how the sudden thickness of his voice had her breasts feelingincrediblyswollen and heavy.

"—-and they happen to belong to the woman they intend to marry."

Did she just hear him saythat?

Daisy Rae could barely breathe now, and her heart nearly jumped out of her chest when she saw how Garion Ross' eyes were now flagrantly ablaze with desire.

"May I ask you a question, Daisy Rae?"

The intimacy of hearing him say her name for the first time was shocking to say the least, and all she could do was nod.

"Why did you tell Uncle Olsen that you needed time to think about my offer?"

The dulcet tone of his voice enslaved her senses even as the sound threatened her sanity.

"I'd like to know what else I can do," the billionaire said silkily, "to make sure you say yes."

Daisy Rae's throat went dry.

Was this really happening?

"Daisy Rae?"

He was calling her by her name again, and the sound of it was irresistible. It made her want to give him everything, and since what he was asking for was the truth—-

"I'm sure you know what kind of person you are—-" She almost said 'sir' out of habit but caught herself in time. "—-Mr. Ross."

Amusement flashed over the billionaire's gorgeous features. "MisterRoss?"

"Um..." What else was she supposed to call him?