Garion, seeing the look on her face, knew it was time to speak. "May I have a word with her in private, Uncle Olsen?"

The older man was startled at the request, but after looking at Garion and Daisy Rae, he nodded simply and told them to take their time before leaving his office.

Garion only waited until the door closed shut before speaking. "About this morning..."

Daisy Rae held her breath.

"It was all a test—-"

A test?

She shook her head in bewilderment. "I don't understand. Theo—-"

"He was a part of it—-"


Garion was unable to say the rest of his words, with Daisy Rae already walking out on him.

Chapter Eight

The people workingin Calder & Associates were no idiots. The moment they saw a visibly upset Daisy Rae run out of the office, followed shortly by the billionaire, everyone was able to quickly arrive at the same and absolutely correct conclusion.

Garion Ross had hurt their poor little Daisy Rae, and he was not to get away with it!

The billionaire swore under his breath when people suddenly kept blocking his path, and the truth hit him just as he saw Daisy Rae disappear into a corner. Everyone here was helping Daisy Rae escape him, and since he did find their loyalty to his future wife commendable, Garion forced himself to unbend just enough to say five words.

"I'm going to marry her."

A path cleared up in front of him in an instant, and Garion didn't waste another second as he went searching for Daisy Rae.

Since the elevators weren't in use, Garion took a chance on the stairwell and his guess proved correct when he found Daisy Rae with her arms wrapped around herself in one corner.

"I'm sorry, baby."

Daisy Rae couldn't even muster the energy to be surprised at how swiftly the billionaire was able to find her.