
Mr. Calder called Daisy Rae to his office an hour before closing, and she spent a few moments practicing her speech before knocking on his door.


She was about to enter his office when the older man shook his head.

"I need you to pick up a package for me."

"Oh. Okay." Daisy was relieved to find out that this was all about an errand. "Where do you want me to go?"

"Basement parking."

She gave her boss a friendly little salute. "Yes, sir."

Daisy Rae didn't waste any time heading out, but the friendly smile she had pinned on her lips faded the moment she saw who it was waiting for her outside the elevator.


The billionaire inclined his head, and his mocking tone was familiar as he answered her. "Me."

Daisy Rae fought to keep her expression blank. "Do you have a package for Mr. Calder?"

Garion ignored the question, saying, "Uncle Olsen says you can leave early for work." He opened the door for her. "Shall we?"

Daisy Rae started shaking her head, but before she could think of an excuse to turn him down, the billionaire had already reached for her—-

"Mr. Ross!"

But he was too strong, of course, and all she could do was gasp when she found herself back inside his limo.

Garion smiled at her. "Theo wants you to have dinner with us."

Her eyes widened.

"He also told me this morning that he can't wait to have you living with us and doing "mommy things" with him."

Don't let him get to you, Daisy Rae. If you're not careful, he's going to have you doing not just mommy things but slutty wifey things, too!

Garion almost coughed as he read the movement of her lips.Slutty wifey things?The thought hadn't even occurred to him, but he would definitely welcome her doing so. Everything about her was like a breath of fresh,fuckableair, and since the two of them did happen to be alone in the backseat...

Daisy Rae gradually became aware of the billionaire's gaze, and she was torn between laughing and groaning when she realized he was once again staring at her breasts.

"Mr. Ross!"

But his lips only curved in a smile so devilish, the sight had her toes curling hard inside of her shoes. "Do you know...your apron makes your breasts look plumper—-"

She hurriedly crossed her arms around her chest with a gasp.

"And it's making me feel exactly the same as my son. I can't wait for you to live with us..."


"So you can also start doing slutty wifey things with me—-"

