Another bout of heavy coughing forced Wendy to stop speaking, and the sound had Garion clenching his fists.Take me instead, God. Just fucking take me instead of her.

Tears clogged her throat when she saw the torment on her husband's face. "I'm sorry, Garion." She forced herself to take a jerky little pause, just to make sure she could get the rest of her words out. "I wish I can make it up to you. But I can't."

"Let's not talk about this—-"

"And that's why I believe...somewhere in this world...there's another woman...who'sperfectfor you and Theo—-"

"Youare the only woman I will ever love," Garion grated out. "I will never want another woman—-"

"And I believe you."

Wendy's words threw her husband off, and his gaze turned wary.

"You're as stubborn as I am," she whispered with a teary smile. "So I know...if you choose to put your mind to it...your heart will remain closed."

"Because that's how it fucking should be," her husband said fiercely.

"Can you just promise me...this other thing at least?" She reached for his hand, and his fingers clasped hers in a grip so tight, it was as if he was determined not to let even Death take her away. "Just try find a woman...who can be a better mother—-"

Wendy shook her head when her husband started to speak.

"I'm a lousy parent...and everyone knows it."

"You'restillhis mother—-"

Wendy shook her head again, but doing so this time consumed nearly all of her energy. " more...arguing."

The tiredness in his wife's voice shook him, and Garion couldn't remember the last time he felt this fucking helpless. Why did she have to die so fucking early? Why, dammit?


Wendy's eyes were already closed, and her voice barely audible. He wished he could convince himself that a miracle was still possible, but he knew...just by looking at his wife, he knew that her time was near.

And so if this was truly what she wanted, and this was what would give her peace—-

Tears ran down her cheeks when she felt her husband's lips on her forehead.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"I love you," he whispered.

But his wife no longer answered, and Garion could barely breathe as grief threatened to bury him alive.

Just like that...

Just like that...she was gone.