Hilda finally lifted her gaze back up to the billionaire, but instead offinallyrealizing what a desirable woman she was, the gorgeous but stupid man only had eyes for her cousin.

What the hell?

Guys always chose her over Daisy Rae, and the billionaire should've felt the same way. So why didn't he?

Daisy Rae hurried forward when she remembered Cha-Cha's warning about Garion getting "nasty" when losing his temper.

"Here you go, Hilda," she said brightly as she handed her cousin the bottle of green tea. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better," Hilda said shamelessly, "now that Garion—-"

The door to her uncle's room finally opened, and Daisy Rae was relieved to have an excuse to keep her cousin from saying anything else.

A pair of police officers stepped out, and one of them looked at her in question. "Are you Daisy Rae Aldrick?"

"Um, yes—-"

"Your uncle wants to speak to you...alone."

Garion's jaw clenched upon hearing this. A part of him wanted to warn her that nothing of this was true, but he knew better than to make the same mistake twice. Fear had made him distrust her this morning, but this time would be different.

This time, Garion intended to show Daisy Rae that he trusted her, and that was why all he did was pull her close when he saw her glance at him uncertainly.

"Go on." Garion pressed his lips to her forehead. "I'll be here if you need me, baby."

Daisy Rae could see that the billionaire was worried about her, but she also understood that this was his way of showing her how much he trusted her.

"Thank you," Daisy Rae whispered as she pulled away.

Garion only looked at her, but the fierce emotion in his eyes spoke volumes.

He loved her,Daisy Rae realized in shock.

Garion saw her golden eyes brighten with tears.I can't believe you beat me to saying I love you,those eyes told him.

His lips curved ever so slightly in response.I'll say it as often as you want. But for now...

He nodded in the direction of her uncle's room.Go.

Daisy Rae nodded back.I'll try not to keep you waiting.

Hilda's gaze moved back and forth between the billionaire and her cousin. Were these two fucking talking with their eyes? How the hell were they doing that? Was there some kind of course for this? Was this how her stupid fat cousin managed to snag someone like Garion Ross?

Daisy Rae could feel her cousin's gaze shooting daggers at her back, but she paid this no heed as she entered her uncle's room. He was lying in bed, his face bruised all over, and his left arm was in a cast.

I'm so sorry, Uncle." She rushed forward and took a seat next to his bed. "Are you alright?"

"I've been better," the older man said hoarsely.

"What happened?"

Nolan's expression turned bleak. "This is all my fault, Daisy Rae, but I need your help..."

Daisy Rae grew increasingly numb as she listened to her uncle.

"And that's it," Nolan finished just as a bout of cough shook his body. "They saw you with him, and now the loan sharks no longer want to wait."

"I'm so sorry, Uncle."