Chapter Ten

Garion and Daisy Raedidn't talk on the drive back to his place. This was more his choice than hers, since he could sense her grief at having to suddenly cut ties with her family. But when they did make it home, and he had her all alone in his bedroom—-

A faint sigh escaped her as the billionaire made her sit on the bed while he crouched down on one knee in front of her.

"I'm sorry about my family."

"You don't have to say sorry for them."

"But I'm mortified at how my uncle—-"

"Forget about them," he said dismissively. "You're the only one that matters." He reached for her hands, and they were still cold to touch. "Are you alright?"

"I'm just a little sad," she admitted. "I never stopped hoping things would change. Thattheywould change—-"

"You can't force people to change."

"I know. I've always known that. But it still makes me sad." She pulled her hands out of his hold so she could cup his face. Countless women probably wanted to have the right to do this, but for some reason this privilege ended up hers and hers alone.

"I love you," she whispered.

Garion took a seat on the bed before pulling Daisy Rae onto his lap. "I love you, too."

"Can I ask you something?" Her hands curved over the hard slope of his shoulders as she looked at him searchingly. "Why did you offer to lend my uncle money? You had to know none of it was real."

"I have detectives tailing your uncle and cousin," he admitted reluctantly. "So I knew what he was up to from the start."

Her eyes widened. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to prove to you that I trust you to find out the truth and make the right choice." His lips twitched. "I did not, however, expect you to do all of those things in mere minutes."

A rare expression of disapproval crossed Daisy Rae's features. "I can forgive a lot of things, but they crossed the line when they got you involved."

The fierceness of her voice gave him a glimpse of what kind of a mother she would be to Theo and any other children they might have in the future. Daisy Rae might look like a meek little kitten most days, but she could also turn herself into a fiercely protective tigress if any of her loved ones was being threatened.

Daisy Rae's brows furrowed when she saw the way Garion was staring at her. "What is it?"