But he still didn't fucking stop, and he pounded into her relentlessly until they reached the peak at the same time—-


He covered her mouth with a kiss, his tongue thrusting inside of her mouth as his pulsing cock filled her pussy with his cum.

Daisy Rae wasn't quite sure how much time had passed when she finally managed to open her eyes, and the only reason she did so was because of Garion pulling out of her before scooping her body off the bed. A part of her wondered if it was all over, but she had her answer soon enough when Garion leaned back against the headboard...just before pulling her down on his cock.

"I'm going to make sure we make our baby tonight, Daisy Rae."

She could only cry out as her back fell against his chest, and he started rubbing her clit while bouncing Daisy Rae up and down his member.

It was the longest and most unforgettable night of her life, and although Daisy Rae eventually ended up begging for him to let her rest, Garion never did. He fucked her again and again, fucked her until she finally passed out, and nine months later, Theo became a proud big brother to two baby girls with Daisy's silvery hair and their father's hazel eyes.


Afew years later

"Congratulations!" Daisy Rae threw her arms around Charlotte and gave her friend a quick, tight hug before pulling back. "I'm so proud of you!"

"I'm glad to hear that," the older woman said wryly, "since most everyone else think I'm crazy for doing this."

"I'm sure that's not the case," Daisy Rae said loyally.

Charlotte's lips curved. Daisy Rae was always so sweet and supportive, and while the other woman didn't know this, she was actually one of Charlotte's inspirations for finally putting up her business of finding mail-order brides for selective male clients.

A lot of their mutual friends didn't think Daisy Rae and Garion's relationship would last, and Charlotte had been one of the few people who thought differently. The way Charlotte saw it, Daisy Rae's soft and unassuming ways were the perfect foil for Garion's ruthlessness, and as fate would have it, the couple were still very much in love with each other after all these years.

What about you, Land?

She had never told anyone this, but she enjoyed talking to the love of her life every so often...even if he was no longer with her.

Do you think I'm crazy for doing this?

Charlotte tried to imagine what Land would say to this.

You're overthinking things, as always.