Rub. Rub. Rub.

Daisy Rae just wanted to make sure she wasn't imagining things, but even after furiously rubbing her eyes, the tall, dark, and broodingly gorgeous man in front of her hadn't disappeared.

"Are you expecting somebody?"

His tone was no longer mocking. It was lazy instead, which wasworse.This lazy tone of his was dangerous, with the way it ended up scrambling her brains.


It took her a moment to remember what he had even asked.

What was that again?



He had asked if she was expecting somebody, and Daisy Rae finally managed to shake her head in response. "I'm not—-" But then she remembered Hilda's Uber Eats, and she hastily corrected herself. "I mean, yes."

His gaze gleamed anew, and Daisy Rae was mortified.

Get a grip, Daisy Rae!

She focused on her breathing.Inhale, exhale.And just as she did, it was then she noticed the way his hazel eyes were lazily taking note of the rise and fall of her breasts under her shirt.

What in the world was happening?

Daisy Rae's confused gaze flew up to him even as her equally confused heart skipped a beat. She had never had a man look at her breasts the way he did, and for it to behimof all people made even less sense.

Is this Your sign, God?

In her experience, signs from the Big Guy typically requireda lotof deciphering, and to say that this man's presence wasindecipherablewould be an understatement. She knew him by name and face,naturally,since he was one of Mr. Calder's A-list clients. But while they did have that flimsy connection between them, it wasn't enough at all to explain why he was here.

Had she served him the wrong coffee?

No, it couldn't be that.

Making coffee for clients might be part of her job description, but the other women at the office always volunteered to do this whenever Garion Ross came to visit.

Maybe...he needed a temporary housekeeper, and Mr. Calder had recommended her?

Think, Daisy Rae!

She fidgeted in her feet as she tried to recall what else she knew of him.


The man owned a billion-dollar ranch in a small town outside San Antonio, and-—


He was supposed to have a wife who died years ago—-


—-as well as a son.