And as he errs, doting on Hermia's eyes,

So I, admiring of his qualities.

Things base and vile, holding no quantity235,

Love can transpose to form236 and dignity.

Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,

And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind238.

Nor hath love's mind of any judgement taste239,

Wings and no eyes figure240 unheedy haste.

And therefore is love said to be a child,

Because in choice he is often beguiled242.

As waggish boys in game themselves forswear243,

So the boy love is perjured everywhere.

For ere Demetrius looked on Hermia's eyne245,

He hailed down oaths that he was only mine.

And when this hail some heat from Hermia felt,

So he dissolved, and showers of oaths did melt.

I will go tell him of fair Hermia's flight:

Then to the wood will he tomorrow night

Pursue her; and for this intelligence251,

If I have thanks, it is a dear expense252.

But herein mean I to enrich my pain,

To have his sight thither and back again.


[Act 1 Scene 2]

running scene 2

Enter Quince the carpente

r, Snug the joiner, Bottom the weaver, Flute the bellows-mender, Snout the tinker and Starveling the tailor

QUINCE Is all our company here?

BOTTOM You were best to call them generally2, man by man,

according to the scrip3.