I fucking tried the very next morning. I had woken up and unfortunately could remember all the dirty details of what had happened—the mediocre blow job after Darcy told me she and Kyle had broken up, and worse, the clear memory of how I’d struggled with the decision. That even though they weren’t together, I still let her blow me knowing it was wrong. I made the wrong choice, and I wasn’t so drunk that I don’t remember battling with my morals.

In the bright light of day, I felt like shit in more ways than one. I was wrestling with guilt and a hangover, and on top of that, I had chills. A quick temperature check read a hundred and one.

I had to get to the airport because the team was leaving for Columbus, so I popped two Tylenol and hoped the fever would abate. I left early to get Kyle alone. I had to tell him what happened and beg his forgiveness. I’d tell him I was drunk, but I’d also accept responsibility, and I hoped his loyalty to me as his Titans brother ran deeper than whatever he felt for Darcy, who’d only been in his life a few weeks and who he admittedly wasn’t serious about.

The drive to the airport took forever. I was nervous about talking to Kyle, and I was feeling worse, from feverish hot flashes to wracking chills that made my teeth chatter. I was bathed insweat by the time I pulled into the hangar, and my body ached all over. I wouldn’t be able to get on the plane without medical clearance, but that didn’t matter. I needed to talk to Kyle.

I grabbed my gear and headed for the private lounge. I was twenty feet away when, to my shock, Darcy came walking out. She was perfectly put together, hair glossy, makeup in place. She looked like she’d just walked off a fashion runway.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded.

She smiled at me impishly. “Dropping Kyle off.”

“Dropping Kyle off?” I hissed, taking her by the arm and walking her away from the building so no one could see us through the doors. “You told me last night you two were broken up.”

“And we were,” she said with a tiny pat on my chest. “But he called me after I left the party at your place, and we patched things up.”

“Did you go over there and suck his cock too?” I asked, feeling dizzy from the fever.

Darcy pouted at me. “Don’t be jealous.”

“I’m not fucking jealous, you nutjob. I’m pointing out that you’re a tramp. You came on to me, and I would have never looked twice at you had you not told me you were broken up. Only to find out you’re not. Do you know what a fucking awkward position that puts me in with Kyle?”

“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him,” she replied breezily.

“Except he’s going to know. I came here early to get a moment with him.” My throat tickled, and I coughed into my arm.Shit. I was sick.

“You are most certainly not going to tell him,” she snarled, poking me in the chest with a long, fake nail.

I pushed her hand away. “I am going to tell him.”

She grabbed my wrist and implored. “Don’t. He’ll break up with me.”

“And he’s going to kick my ass,” I growled, pulling free. “But I can’t keep this a secret.”

“You do, and I’ll tell him you forced me,” she blurted out as I started to walk away.

I glanced at her as I reached the door. “No one will believe that. My teammates know me. I might be a shit for touching you, but they know I’d never force myself on someone.”

She moved my way but stopped when I held out my hand.

“Can you at least wait until you come back?” she begged. “It’s not fair to do it before a game. You’ll mess him up. At least wait until you get back.”

That gave me pause. I let the door go as I considered her words. If I walked into that lounge and told Kyle I let his girlfriend suck my cock—drunk or not, broken up or not—he would come after me. There would be a fight, and it would tank team morale as a whole.

Could I do that just to alleviate my conscience?

It was a no-brainer. “Fine,” I said in a low voice. “But when we get home, I’m telling him.”

“Okay, fine. And we were drunk. It will be fine. I’ll beg for forgiveness.”

“Get in line,” I muttered as I turned from her and headed into the lounge. She hadn’t known Kyle as long as I had. We’d been playing together for four years now, and we were tight. He wasn’t going to forgive her.

I had no clue what he would do to me or if our friendship was in jeopardy. I vowed right then and there that if I could get his forgiveness and salvage our friendship, I’d never get drunk again.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to talk to him. I had to check in with the team’s medical staff and report my fever. My temperature was taken again, and despite the Tylenol, it had crept up to a hundred and two.

I was sent packing with instructions to head to the doctor for an examination, and I did not join the team on that trip.