I have one wild sexual encounter, and now I apparently want everyone to hook up.

Sipping on water, I hang with my friends while they do yet another shot. We’re having fun with Alex and Sarah. When Hank comes over, he and Erica snuggle together at the bar.

After about half an hour, though, the tequila has settled in to mostly make me sleepy. I’m exhausted as I didn’t sleep well last night, my head too screwed up by everything that’s happened the last few days—Coen serving me with an injunction and then giving me an orgasm.

It’s been very confusing.

“I think I’m going to call an Uber and go home,” I say to Hayley as she waits at the bar for the next round.

“I’m sure Hank will take you.”

“Nah. I’m just going to say goodbye to Ann Marie.” I accept a hug from Hayley and wave to Erica when I catch her eye.

As I head toward the back room, I grimace seeing that I have to walk past Cici and her group. It’s not just her and the regular mean girls who tortured me and my friends during high school, but several of the bully guys too. Basically, the sports jocks who dated Cici and her cheerleader buddies.

I find the elitism within their group funny, especially since none of them have done anything extraordinary with their lives. Two of the four girls got married and pregnant almost immediately after graduating high school. One of the girls still lives with her parents because she can’t hold down a job, and Cici is the seating hostess at the nice steakhouse in town.

Sure, I’m still here in my hometown, but I went off to college and got a degree, and I’m an entrepreneur trying to open her own art studio. I shouldn’t feel nervous to have to walk past a group of nasty women who pick on others to feel better about themselves.

I make it almost all the way, but a hand latches on to my shoulder. “Tillie… come join us for a drink.”

It’s Cooper Ogden. Former captain of the football team, dated Cici at one point in high school, broke up with her, got another girl in town pregnant but didn’t marry her, and now I’ve heard he’s dating Cici again.

Cooper pushes me into the middle of their group, letting me go to slide an arm around Cici who’s sucking on a lollipop in a porny way, and just… gross.

Another arm goes around my shoulders, and it’s Pete Summers, Cooper’s best friend. “Hey, Tillie… do some shots with us.”

“Um, no thank you,” I say, trying to extricate myself.

“No thank you.” Cici cackles, and her girlfriends follow suit. “How proper.”

“Don’t be so uptight,” Pete croons, pulling me back into him, wrapping an arm around the front of my chest. He bends and whispers near my ear, “How much alcohol will it take to pry those legs apart?”

“Charming,” I mutter as I struggle against his hold.

“Come on, Tillie Hillbilly.” Everyone’s laughing at my nickname, and it’s egging Pete on. “If you let me fuck you, you can hang out with us.”

I jab hard with my elbow, catching him in the ribs, and he releases me.

“What in the hell is wrong with you?” I yell at him. I then gesture to the group as a whole, fueled by the tequila. “You people are the worst humanity has to offer, and for the life of me, I can’t imagine why you all think you’re so special.”

The laughter stops and malice gleams in Cici’s eyes. But before she can open her mouth to say something, Pete’s hand shoots out and grabs my wrist. He draws me in slowly, hisleering gaze moving down my body. I’m in a casual summer dress, but he makes me feel naked the way he’s checking me out.

“Let go, Pete,” I snarl, trying to yank my hand away.

“Cute little kitten,” he chuckles. “Do you scratch?”

A large hand reaches over my shoulder from behind and clamps on Pete’s wrist. “She doesn’t scratch, but I sure as hell punch, and I punch hard. I’d let her go if I were you.”

A shudder runs up my spine as I recognize Coen’s voice. I don’t have time to turn and look at him because Pete lets go of me so fast, I stumble backward.

Coen steadies me with one arm while still holding Pete’s wrist. “If you touch her again,” he says in a low voice, “I will make you swallow your own teeth.”

“Yeah, man… sure, I’ve got it,” Pete rushes to assure Coen, who then releases his wrist.

Coen looks around at the group, all staring at him wide-eyed. “As for the rest of you, grow the fuck up. You act like middle schoolers with your petty bullying.” Taking my hand, he says, “Let’s go.”

I don’t even think to object as he pulls me away and I follow along behind him. When we’re clear, he drops my hand and turns to me. “You okay?”