Lowering his head even more so his mouth is near my ear, he murmurs, “That implies friendship. As you pointed out, we’re not friends. But we are something that we haven’t defined yet. You could let me have you again, and maybe we can figure it out.”

Lust rages through my body from his words alone. The buttery tone and low rumble of seduction. More than anything, it’s the slight arrogance because he knows he had complete control over me both of those times we were intimate.

And he knows… he could easily get it again if he tried a little harder.

Not having it.

I step back, pushing my cart to give me room. When there’s sufficient distance, I lift my chin to glare at him. “We’re nothing but enemies.”

“You weren’t upset about the injunction when I was making you come three nights ago. Or before that.”

He says that in his normal tone, and I whirl to make sure no one is listening and glare back at him. “I’m not allowed to discuss the lawsuit with you.”

“I don’t want to discuss it with you,” he counters. “Merely pointing out that we can do plenty of other things with our mouths.”

Narrowing my eyes, I move closer so we’re not overheard. “What’s this game, Coen? You’re an ornery, angry person. You don’t like people as a whole, and by your own words and actions, you’re not a nice man. You’ve made it a mission to seduce me twice, and for the life of me, I can’t understand why. It’s not like you’re trying to bang away my desire to cut down the trees. You’re a professional athlete, undoubtedly rich, and could have your pick of any woman in this town. So please explain this gamebecause nothing about you standing here talking to me makes sense.”

I’m not sure which of my words hit home, but they do seem to penetrate his confidence. He rubs at his neck as he gazes past me, almost as if he needs to collect his thoughts.

When his dark eyes come back to me, he says, “It’s true I’m not a nice man. At least I haven’t been for several months. I came to Coudersport to be alone, and I was content with that. Put all of that aside, as well as our dispute over the trees, and the only thing I can tell you with any surety is that I’m attracted to you. I’m not looking at anyone else. Just you. And if you’ve looked in the mirror lately, you’d understand why. You’re beautiful and sexy as fuck and your mouth pisses me off so much, I want to keep it occupied. You want to define what we are? We’re two people who fit well together sexually. Does it have to be anything more than that for the here and now?”

“So, not fuck buddies, but like… fuck neighbors?” I ask, because that sounds ridiculous.

He shrugs. “You’re the one keen on labels.”

Coen’s talking about sex with no strings. Just a mutual meeting of bodies, getting each other off. We don’t talk about the injunction or the fact that he might be destroying my dreams or that he’s pretty much an asshole, except in bed where he’s an incredibly generous and thoughtful lover.

Christ, this is confusing.

And I can’t deal with confusing, no matter how tempting he is.

I shake my head. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s a good idea. I’m not interested.”

It happens so fast, I’m not even sure how he does it, but I’m pressed up against the food shelves. One arm is around my lower back, and his other hand grips my nape.

Coen kisses me, and not a soft brush of lips. He kisses me hard, and one thing I’ve definitely figured out about this man is that he likes doing this. The entire time we were fucking the other night, his mouth was on me.

His tongue slides against mine, and I moan into him, my head swimming with confusion, desire hitting me low in the belly as I kiss him back.

Coen tears free and locks his eyes with mine. “Don’t ever tell me you’re not interested because that would be a lie.”

I push him away, angry that he made such a vivid point. “My body might want you, but my common sense prevails. And it’s not interested.”

He studies me a long moment, rubbing his thumb over his lower lip. “I’d like to come over tonight. If you want me to, leave your porch light on.”

“I don’t. Want you to, that is. The porch light will be off.”

Coen shrugs. “Any night you want me… turn it on. I won’t make you feel bad about it. I won’t lord it over you. But I will make you feel good about the decision, and you know the truth of that.”

God, do I know the truth of that.

I want to argue and tell him he’s wrong, but he’d probably only kiss me again.

I hold my tongue, and Coen pivots to walk away.

