“Because you don’t want the trees cut down, and I need that driveway. So the simplest thing for me to do is find another place that doesn’t impede someone else’s happiness.”

“No,” he drawls with a chastising look. “The easiest thing would be to stay where you are and cut the trees down. You know you’re going to win the case next week. My attorney says it’s a long shot for me to fight the easement.”

“My attorney said the same thing. But I’m not going to cut those trees down, not when I know how important they are to you.”

“But they’re important to you to cut them down. In fact, it’s vital for you to be able to build your studio.”

“Yes,” I say, a bit exasperated. “But that would be contrary to my nature. Now that I care for you, I can’t do it. There’s no way. But I’m also not giving up my dream, so the only solution is for me to look for another place. I can find something else, and you can keep your property just the way it is, which ensures your privacy.”

“You care about me?” he asks.

It’s a ridiculous question, so I roll my eyes. “Of course, I care about you.”

His gaze wanders out the window. I let him collect his thoughts, and honestly, because of the things he’s shared with me, I fully expect he’ll give me back a similar proclamation. It’s time we both admit this is something more than friends with benefits.

Instead, when he returns his regard, he says, “The trees are kind of moot to me now. I’m going back.”

A confusing jumble of emotions hits all at once, primarily joy for him that he’s not walking away from a career that’s far too important to have ever given up. And sadness, because he’s leaving. Confusion that he doesn’t return my sentiments after I confessed the same, because now I realize I’ve misjudged things.

I pull together a brilliant smile and focus on my happiness for him. Flinging my arms around him, I give him a hard hug. “That makes me so happy for you, and I can’t wait to hear how you decided to give it another shot.”

Coen squeezes me, buries his face in my neck, and draws back. “Let’s go to my place, and I’ll tell you all about it.”

Reaching out, I rest my hand on his before he can put the truck in drive. “Wait a minute… I have to go back to Jamie. I have that appointment.”

“Which isn’t necessary now,” he says.

“Are you selling the cabin when you go back?”

“No way. I love that place.”

That place.

He loves the cabin.

I shore up my resolve and manage to keep my tone light and my smile intact. “Then the tree issue isn’t moot. Drop me at Jamie’s office so I can go look at these properties. It’ll only take us a few hours, and then I can come over later and you can tell me all about your trip back to Pittsburgh. I’m assuming something monumental happened to change your mind.”

It’s a skillful change of subject, and Coen nods. “Dinner with teammates who helped me push past some things.”

“Did you tell them what happened with Kyle’s girlfriend?”

“I wanted to,” he says with a sigh. “I tried to, but they stopped me. Said it didn’t matter. Could tell how remorseful I was. Same things you told me.”

Laughing, I give him a playful backhand. “See how smart I am?”

Coen smiles, and it nearly takes my breath away. “Fine,” he says, shifting into gear and pulling out of the lot. “Go do your thing and look at those properties. I’m going to grab us something to grill at my house. Come on by when you’re done.”

He drops me back at Jamie’s, idling in the street right where he’d picked me up. As I reach for the door handle, I find myself pulled back across the seat, Coen’s mouth once again devouring mine.

God, the man can kiss.

It might be the thing I’ll miss most about him.

“See you a bit later,” I murmur as I hop out.

I watch him pull away, and when he’s out of sight, I head into Jamie’s office. I still think I’m doing the right thing, but a big part of me now wonders if this is indeed moot. With Coen going back to his life, and his claim that he doesn’t care if I cut down the trees, maybe I should just leave well enough alone.