Isit onmy deck, staring out at the backyard. How many times over the past few weeks have I done the same thing, looking at that line of trees, trying to find clarity?

Those trees don’t represent the same thing they once did. Before they were a wall to keep me safe. Now they’re just keeping me from Tillie.

And I’m not looking for clarity with regard to hockey. I’ve made the commitment to go back, and not only will I honor it, I’ll do so with a peaceful heart. Tillie made me see things from a different perspective, and my teammates hammered it home.

What sits on the other side of those trees is the conundrum now. I’m irritated that now they obscure my view of Tillie’s property. If they were gone, I’d be able to see right through to her house.

Movement catches my eye, and Chip bounds toward me. I hold still as he scampers up the steps, climbs my jeans, and perches on my thigh. His eyes are expressive with the expectation I’ll feed him.

Leaning over, I grab peanuts from the container. I find it interesting that the peanuts are here for him to get anytime he wants. I’ve watched squirrels raid the bucket, and I keep it stocked.

But Chip waits until I sit down to come eat. It can’t be my winning personality. Maybe it’s because I shell the nuts for him?

As I hand food over to him, I say, “Going to be leaving you, buddy. Going to have to do the dirty work yourself.”

He ignores me, eyes focused on the next shell I’m cracking.

“I’ll ask Tillie to keep food out for you.” I hand him a peanut, and it goes into his cheek. I pick up the next one. “Of course, if she moves, that’s going to be a problem. It’s ridiculous, really, wanting to move. My injunction is getting thrown out next week, and she’ll be free to cut down the trees.”

I offer another peanut and ask Chip, “Why would she move forward with buying another piece of property, you ask? Especially since she’ll not only win the court case most likely, but I’ll be moving back to Pittsburgh? No fucking clue, buddy, and we sure as hell didn’t discuss it last night. We were busy doing… well, cover your little furry ears… doing other things.”

Chip gives zero fucks and has no answers.

“She says she doesn’t want me to give up the peace I’ve found here. She knows I value my privacy and alone time.”

I open the last peanut as these two kernels will stretch his cheeks to capacity. “Except,” I drawl as I hand him a nut, “what does it say about me that those fucking trees are really bothering me right now, and I wish they were down so I could be closer to her?”

I give Chip the last morsel and he takes off, done with me and my musings.

What is Tillie doing now? I mean, I know she’s painting. Vaguely, I remember her pressing a kiss to my chest as she slipped out of my bed before the sun had fully risen, saying she was going to work. That was over two hours ago, and I haven’t heard a peep from her since.

My phone rings, and I pick it up from the flat armrest. It’s Callum Derringer.

I connect. “Hey, Callum… thanks for calling me back.”

“Anytime, Coen. What can I do for you?”

I push up out of the chair and pace my deck. “I want to come back. Is that feasible?”

The silence is so long, I think we might’ve been disconnected, but then Callum says, “Of course, we want you back. But not the way things were before.”

“I know. And it won’t be. I’ve…” I glance over at the trees, blocking me from Tillie. “I’ve worked things out.”

“Your suspension ended officially the second game of the first round of the playoffs, so you’re cleared from the league. While it’s my call and I absolutely want you on the ice, I want Brienne’s nod on this.”

My stomach pitches slightly, but I have faith in her. She’s done amazing work for the team since taking over. “Should I give her a call?”

“She’s actually out on a recruiting mission,” Callum says, and I can hear what I think is amusement in his voice.

Owners don’t recruit, but I have an idea of what she might be doing. “Drake McGinn?”

“The one and only,” Callum says. “Hope she’s successful.”

“I heard she pissed him off pretty good in the initial meeting.”

“Rumors,” he says with a chuckle. “But if there’s someone who can turn it around, it’s Brienne Norcross.”

I’m betting she’s got an amazing offer for him, but I also bet she’s not above groveling if needed. The woman will do whatever she can for her team.