I bashfully admit, “I wouldn’t know since I don’t know much about hockey. I didn’t even know who Coen was until someone made a big deal about him.”

“He is a big deal in the hockey world,” Harlow says. “One of the league’s top players.”

“It’s all a bit overwhelming,” I admit. “I don’t know anything about this world.”

“We’ll teach you,” Harlow says. “As will Coen.”

The bathroom door opens, but before I walk in, I turn to my new group of girlfriends. They’ll be my Pittsburgh posse. “Thank you. For making me feel so welcome.”

“Oh, we wouldn’t have done it if we didn’t like you,” Sophie assures me.

I laugh as I walk into the bathroom and click the door closed behind me.

Hours later, we’relying in bed. Coen just finished taking us straight to heaven, and I’m drowsy and more content than I’ve ever been in my life.

Coen’s condo is lovely, but I suggested it could use some personal touches. A few photographs, at least. He asked me if I could handle making it a “home” for us until he could find something a little bigger. I’d never say no to such a sweet request.

The party at Brienne’s was a success. Coen easily transitioned back into the team with everyone genuinely forgiving his past behavior. On top of that, I felt a crackle of excitement all night as people talked about the upcoming season.

“You asleep?” Coen asks, his arm holding me close to his body. While my cheek isn’t dead center on his chest, I can hear the thump of his heart all the same. Slow and steady, just like he’s become to me.

“Almost. I’m worn out. It was a big day.”

“You’re worn out because I just gave you back-to-back orgasms, admit it.”

Laughing, I squeeze him with my arm draped over his stomach. “That too. Although tonight was overwhelming, in a good way.”

“Very overwhelming,” he agrees. “But it felt… hopeful too.”

“I imagine it did. You have so much to look forward to.”

“Only because of you,” he says.

“Not only.”

“Only,” he insists. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.”

I lift myself up to look down at him. “I don’t believe that. You’re one of the strongest people I know. You would have found your way back.”

“Maybe,” he admits. “But it would’ve been a different path than through our backyards, and I never would have met you.”

“Gotta love fate at this moment, right?”

“Gotta love you,” he says as his hand goes to the back of my head and he pulls me in for a kiss.

A soft one.


Rubbing his nose alongside mine, he says, “Let’s get some sleep. I have a big day tomorrow.”

“I love you, Coen,” I say as I draw back slightly. “And I’m so proud of you and excited for this next part of your life.”

He smiles at me, his white teeth flashing in the moon glow coming through the windows. “I’m glad you’re with me for the ride.”

I settle down, my head resting right over his heart. “Always.”

Drake McGinn turned his back on hockeyand settled into life as a single dad of three after the league betrayed him. Will the Titans be his chance to clear his name and take back the career he once loved? CLICK HERE for details about Drake!

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