Fuck, fuck, fuck.

All he could see was an innocent and almost eager desire to please him, and at the sight of it, Altair's lust knew no bounds.

"Aaaah!" A gasp spilled past her lips, and Safiya's body nearly flew off the couch.

The sheikh...her nipple...his mouth...

He began suckling right away, and all she could do was writhe and whimper. The sensations that rocked her body were impossible to describe, and when his other hand joined in the delicious fray, his fingers pinching and tweaking her other nipple—-

A moan tore out of her throat, and she found herself clutching his head tightly to her chest—-

Beloved. Beloved. Beloved.

The word echoed endlessly in her mind, and when she felt him switch to her other breast, she had to bite hard on her lip to keep herself from sobbing the word out loud.

Beloved. Beloved. Beloved.

Her belly started to tighten, a ball of pressure building, and as the sheikh's teeth scraped against one distended nipple, something inside of her burst, and Safiya's lips parted in a silent cry as she climaxed for the first time in her life.

Her eyes squeezed shut as her body shuddered down a sensual journey that made her feel like she was soaring and falling at the same time. She had no words, absolutely no words to describe the beauty of it. All she knew was that it was beautiful...because of him.


Chapter Eight

Dear Mama,

The most exciting thing has happened!



The sheikh laugh.

And it was the loveliest sound, too!

"PEOPLE ARE LOOKING at us, alshaykh."

"Altair," the sheikh reminded his betrothed.

"Maehdina." I'm sorry. "I forgot." And then she glanced up at him inquiringly, saying yet again, "People are looking at us, Altair."

Aurora and Ella, having heard the entire conversation, couldn't help but snicker at their friend's utterly serious tone, and they snickered even more when the words had Altair Al-Atassi pinching the other princess' cheeks before wrapping his strong arms around her in a fiercely possessive embrace.

Been there, done that, Ella thought humorously. As the saying went, 'it took one to know one', and from her very first meeting of Sheikh Altair, Ella had known right away that she and Safiya's betrothed were peas of the same cynical and distrustful pod. For people like them, people as pure as Safiya was akin to a miracle, and when they also happened to be as adorably serious as her new friend—-

Ella discreetly studied the couple that currently had most of the other students in the university's dining hall gaping in a mixture of shock, awe, and not a small amount of envy. That the sheikh was back in Mushriq for two days in a row now was pretty shocking in itself, but for the Ramilian military commander to also have his betrothed sit on his lap while feeding her...

It almost had Ella wanting to pinch herself, just to make sure she wasn't dreaming...for her friend's sake. In the six months that her friend hadn't heard a peep from the sheikh, not once had the girl uttered a single word of criticism or complaint about the situation. But even so, she and Aurora had felt furious on Safiya's behalf, and it was only at their respective husbands' insistence that they kept themselves from meddling.

Well-meaning concern can be misinterpreted as an international conflict, Khal had warned her bluntly, if your friend happens to be a princess from another kingdom.

Be that as it may, however...

Ella's gaze narrowed at the couple. While she was truly happy that Safiya and Altair's betrothal appeared to be a love match as well, that didn't mean she was letting her guard completely down. Even though she had only been a princess for a few years, it was also long enough for Ella to cherish the few real friends she had. And Safiya being one of those rare few—-

Altair was not unaware of the way the princess' friends were carefully observing him behind their smiles and polite chatter. While Aurora, the Crown Princess of Layla, appeared more inclined to give him a chance, the American girl who had married the Crown Prince of Kivr hadn't even bothered to hide the suspicion in her gaze.

They were clearly protective towards Safiya, and while others might find their attitude insulting—-

For Altair, their attitude towards the princess only made him more grimly aware of how much his own attitude towards his betrothed had changed.

Just one damn taste of her had him completely unraveling; she had become his addiction in an instant, and it was one he had no plans of curing himself from. One damn taste, and Altair's hunger for her knew no bounds. He wanted her so fucking much that he found himself entirely incapable of imagining an end to his desire. He would never have his fill of her. Never. And when he looked down into her big, dark eyes—-

Like now...