Even though Altair had never spoken to any of them about his kidnapping, Khalil and the others saw how the experience had changed the kingdom's army commander. Having made the mistake of trusting the wrong people and losing his father because of it, Altair had since chosen not to trust anyone else, and traitors, as far as he was concerned, must be treated as traitors until proven otherwise.

That was how it had been for years, but ever since Altair had become betrothed to a traitor's daughter...

The silence in the room finally penetrated Altair's thoughts, and the sheikh's expression turned inscrutable when he realized that the others were all looking at him.

Khalil knew that Altair would probably prefer that they all went to hell rather than speak of his personal troubles, but...

"Just make a fucking choice, Altair. If you don't think you'll ever be able to trust the princess, then break it off with her. But if you truly want her, then just be with her till the end—-"

"And if I turn out to be wrong again," Altair asked savagely, "what then? I can't lose another member of my family—-"

"Who the fuck says you would?" Malik gritted out. "Can't you see not one of us blames you for what happened? You trusted the wrong people, yes, but it doesn't make you wrong. It doesn't make you the person to blame for our father's death. So please—-" Malik's voice turned rough with emotion. "Stop punishing yourself, brother. Forgive yourself, please."

Altair's fists clenched, his knuckles turning white, and still...

"I can't. I can't fucking risk losing another one—-"

"So don't," Khalil said fiercely. "None of us are boys any longer, and this is something you no longer have to do alone. There is no risk now, Altair. You are free to be with the princess if you want. Be with her if that is what you want, and let us...your brothers...take the risk for you. Let us return the favor. Let us pay you back for all of your sacrifices for the kingdom. We will be strong for you. We will make sure that if Safiya does end up betraying you, we will be there to protect our family and our kingdom. If the princess turns out to be a mistake, you will hurt, but you will not lose anyone else."

Chapter Eleven

Dear Mama,

Something still feels wrong, and I don't know how to fix it.

THE SHEIKH WAS NERVOUS. It had been so long since he had felt this way that for the first few moments, Altair had actually wondered if he was about to have a heart attack. But when time passed, and he had yet to keel over, it was then he realized what he was feeling...and why.

Security did not even think of stopping him as he ascended the steps leading up to Safiya's school building. The university might be exclusive to females, but Altair was their hero, and so the guards only hastened to bow in respect as the sheikh walked past them.

Since he had long made it his business to know every detail of Safiya's class schedule, Altair had known exactly where to go, and classes were still ongoing when he reached the room Safiya was in. Although he had not made any noise as he waited outside the hallway, one girl happened to glance outside the hallway-facing windows of the room, and that was pretty much it.

A burst of excited chatter and giggles followed right after, and even with the classroom doors closed, the sheikh heard their words easily enough.

It's the Sheikh.

Sheikh Altair is here.

Look, look, it's really him.

As the noise and excitement escalated, Altair knew the exact moment the princess became aware of his presence; she had stiffened in her seat all of a sudden, and when she finally turned to him, he saw her lips automatically curve, and it was then he knew.

Even though he had not stopped visiting her in the previous weeks...

Even though their lips met again and again in kisses that always scorched his heart...

Even though he hadn't the right words to explain why he was so fucking certain...

He only knew what he knew, and that was that he had hurt her.

ALTAIR FOUND HIMSELF inhaling deep as Safiya's professor rang a bell to signify the end of her class, and the girls began filing out. Most only had the courage to sigh and steal helplessly infatuated glances at the sheikh as they walked past him. Others licked their lips in an attempt to draw his attention. But none of it worked.

He only had eyes for one girl, and it killed him to know that girl was also the one he had happened to hurt.

He watched her walk towards him. Graceful like always. Elegant. And fragile. Just so damn fragile that he could no longer wait for her to reach him—-