I wish I could say that he was putting the moves on me, but I’m not about to lie about what a nice man he is, even if it could make my friends envy the hell out of me. “Actually, he was really nice. He didn’t hit on me at all. He actually helped me out with one of the men that thought I was on the appetizer list.”

She seems bothered by my response. I guess she was hoping for a juicy story. Yeah, you and me both, I think to myself.

It’s another hour and a half before we get done with clean-up and I’m about dead on my feet. Jamie and I walk out together, and to our surprise there are still people milling about in the parking lot. We no sooner get out the door than I see Dusty jogging toward us.

“Girl, I don’t think you realize it, but obviously the man was hitting on you,” Jamie mutters to me as Dusty stops in front of us.

He’s talking to both of us, but he’s looking at me. “I couldn’t leave. I know you said you’d be okay, but I felt better being here. Can I walk you both to your cars?”

I start to stutter, but Jamie is cool and collected, like she talks to professional baseball players every day. “Sure, honey. I’m right there and Serenity’s across the way.” She points toward each of our cars.

Dusty walks between Jamie and me to her car. Jamie keeps him talking and is openly flirting with him. I can’t stop the wave of jealousy that hits me. Even though Dusty doesn’t seem to fall for her advances, I still get a little sad. But as soon as we get her to her car, Dusty puts his hand on my lower back, steering me to my car. We get halfway there, and he holds his hand out, palm up between us, “May I?”

Is he asking to hold my hand? A little unsure, I barely raise my hand a little and he’s wrapping his fingers around mine. His sigh sounds satisfied as he squeezes my hand in his. He doesn’t say a word as we walk hand in hand to my car.


I’m dead tired and glad I’m not due in for practice or a game tomorrow. Scratch that, later today. If I had either I would be starting warm-ups in just a couple of hours. Still, as tired as I am, I can’t stop admiring Serenity. She’s got a brightness about her. She’s like sunshine peeking through rain clouds and smart too.

“I uh, appreciate you walking me to my car. And for staying so late. I’m sure you’re tired,” she tells me softly.

I squeeze her hand. “I know you don’t think it’s a big deal, but hearing the way those men were talking about you, I knew I couldn’t leave. I have three younger sisters and I would want someone to do the same for them.”

She stops next to her car and gently removes her hand from mine. “Right… sister… well, I appreciate you looking out for me. I better go.”

Even though she’s saying all the right words, I can see sadness in her face. “Wait, what’s wrong?”

Her lips turn up in the corners, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “Nothing. Really, I appreciate you looking out for me… like a big brother.”

She opens her car door and sits down. Stunned, I hold her door open. Man, I’m off my game. I’m completely screwing this up. I squat down next to her open door, making sure that we’re at eye level. She’s looking straight ahead and that’s not going to work for me. I reach for her, pulling her chin so she has to look at me. Her big blue eyes are wide and staring back at me. “I don’t think of you as a sister. But I am protective of you.”

She rolls her eyes at me and smirks. “We just met.”

I just shake my head, not really understanding it either. “I know, but I am. I didn’t like the way the men in there looked at you and I knew I couldn’t leave without knowing you were safe. I’d like to take you to dinner. Are you free tomorrow night, or well, tonight actually?”

Her surprised smile and nervous giggle are sexy as fuck. Even seeing it, I’m still holding my breath hoping that she’s going to say yes. She’s had to fight off so many nasty men all night, is she going to put me in the same category as them?

Right when I’m getting completely discouraged, she says in almost a whisper, “I’d like to go out with you.”



“You look beautiful. Quit fidgeting,” Jamie says to me.

Once I got home last night, I called Jamie. I was completely freaking out and I knew she could talk me down. I can’t believe I agreed to a date with the Dusty Burgess. He’s huge in baseball and the way that women were throwing themselves at him last night, it looks as if he could have his pick of any woman he wanted. So why would he want me?